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Arthit's POV

After a few turns and moments, I reached the cabins finally. I moved to my cabin and drank some juice to refresh myself. I grabbed some snacks and juice for Kong too. Within a few minutes, I left to find Kong.

I reached the spot where we were fighting. I just hope he hasn't gone too far. I took left, and followed the route. The sun was already starting to set, making me worry more and more. This route was even more confusing than earlier. But more than the route right now finding Kong was more important.

"Kong! Where are you??" I shouted in the woods, hoping Kong would hear me.

This boy never listens to me. I asked him to not go much far, but I don't know why is he always listening to only himself. I just want him to be safe in this weirdass forest.

After taking turns here and there, I realized even I was lost now. I don't think I can find the way back to cabins again. But I don't care about it at the moment.

I moved further in the forest when I saw a very old hut in the forest. Are there any chances Kong would have gone in that? Maybe, because it's already dark.

I quickly moved toward the hut. It gave me damn horror feels. It was similar to the horror houses like in movies. I carefully entered, making sure I don't disturb anyone if they're living in the hut.

Suddenly I felt a strong punch on my face which seemed like an attempt to dismantle me, I fell on the ground. I winced in pain when I heard a voice.

"S-stay away y-you human looking ghost! I-I am not scared of you!" I heard Kong's voice, but couldn't see his face, it was difficult to recognize each other because of the dark.

"It's me you DOUCHEBAG!" I told Kong.

I could swear Kong had stick in his other hand, and if I was just a second late to actually inform him that it's me, I'd really be dismantled.

"A-arthit ghost? What are you doing in my enemy's body!?" Kong stuttered.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Kong!?" I managed stand up again.

"I-I am ORDERING you to leave my enemy's body!" I could say he was shivering, and I don't know why, but I was finding it really cute.

"If the ghost leaves my body, would you let me get in yours, Kongy?" I smirked.

He got silent for a while, maybe processing the real thing. Now that I think about it, this Kong was so different from the real cold and grumpy Kong.

"If you're Arthit, tell me about our first meeting." He asked firmly.

I could hear myself giving a soft chuckle.

"Well, you bumped into me intentionally because I'm just so hot!" I replied with pride.

"Ok I believe you. You are Arthit." He threw away the stick he had in his hand.

"Oh by the way, are you hungry? I brought you snacks, but I'm not willing to give since I'm hungry too." I could still not see his face clearly, making it difficult for me to predict his response.

"Shut up. We'll share." Kong stated, which I agreed.

We found a place where moonlight allowed us to at least see each other's face. And when I saw the moon light on his face, my mind just went blank. Is he the one I've called ugly so many times? I must be crazy to do that.

"See just because you found me, I'll give you one extra piece, but no more than that." Kong looked me in the eye, which somehow managed to make my heart skip a beat.

Why is this happening? Maybe because I got used to seeing his face, and I'm now seeing it after a long time? I'm not really sure. But right now, I didn't want anything more.

"I think I can live with that." I replied Kong, and I could take the confusion on his face.

"I-I mean I already had snacks when I reached cabin, so you can have it." I corrected myself.

"But didn't you just say you were hungry?" He asked while eating.

"I may be hungry for something else." I said.

"Uh? What do you wanna have then?" He furrowed his eyebrows.


Double update isn't a bad idea, right?

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