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"So you are saying you want to be in relationship with Arthit?" Kao raised an eyebrow. Pete was staring at me and Arthit with his mouth ajar.

I was in the middle of making Pete and Kao believe that we want to get in relationship, and aren't in relationship yet.

"Yes." I said firmly, making me sound very serious.

"Are you very serious?" Pete questioned Arthit, to which he nodded.

"Since when did you start liking each other?" Kao started interrogating me.

"Since the camp thing."


"I don't know, my heartbeat was uneven sometimes, first I thought it was symptoms to upcoming disease, but then I figured out."

Kao looked at Arthit, he nodded again, and looked back at me. He sighed heavy.

Is he convinced? Heck I didn't think it would be so hard!

"So are you ready for the test?" Kao asked Arthit.

Arthit nodded again. Argh will he speak something or keep nodding all the fricking time??

"So..... How many girlfriends or boyfriends have you had yet?"

"Um........ 28?"

Wtf. WHAT THE FUCK!? 28!? Is that even a number? Did he change girlfriends every weak?

"How many of them did you really love?"

"All of them.  Atleast in the beginning, all."

Is he being serious?? All of them!? Will he leave me too like them, fuck what have I gotten myself into!?

"Then will you leave kong like others?" Kao asked carefully.

My heart started beating fast, I was too desperate to know the answer. This is something I had been wondering and--

"Kong is beyond love. I can never leave him." Arthit shrugged.

Just tell me, HOW CAN THIS DIMWIT SAY THIS LINE SO CASUALLY?? I mean such a romantic line and you just shrugged?? SHRUGGED!?

"That's great. But you're failed Arthit.''

I felt a pang in my chest. Why did he fail? Did he say something wrong? Why would Kao disagree?? Nobody dared to speak or question. Arthit and I were looking at Kao, expecting an answer.

"You're already in relationship with him right?"

Okay whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!?

How did Kao know that!? I'm pretty sure I'm a darn good actor and I taught Arthit well too, then how, just how---

"I obviously knew Kong. WE knew." Kao said pointing towards him and Pete, almost able to read my mind.

"Really? How!?" Arthit asked curiously whereas I was still shook.

"What do you think Arthit, you'll STEAL our lube and condom, and we won't notice you doing that? I'm your dad son." Pete winked at Arthit, and laughed out loud.

"We noticed the big mosquito bite on your neck the next day too" Kao grinned, making me want to punch his face.

"And obviously the sessions you had been having in this weak." Pete smiled sheepishly.

"And yeah, not forgetting your incredible
acting to hate each other which was not convincing at all?" Kao smiled and Pete, who was still laughing.

Can I please punch my best friend right now so that he's buried to the ground right away? I looked at Arthit who looked amused.

"Oh and the most important thing, we intentionally wanted to keep you two together, you being in the same room, same team, and everything you've done together, you can give all the credit to us." Pete informed us laughing.

Wow I don't think anything can be worse than this!

"And obviously we didn't expect you'd fall in love or something, we just wanted you two to be comfortable and get along well with each other, so that we could be at peace. But obviously our thoughts changed after we saw Arthit in our room, stealing the condom." Kao said.

Okay my best friend is the worst!

"So that day when you were sad about Pete fighting with you, and all that shit, everything was nothing at all?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Of course! That was Pete's idea though. We lacked entertainment that day. So yep." Kao shrugged.

Arthit ran after Pete to punch him maybe. I definitely want to punch Kao for betraying me, and Arthit for being such an idiot while stealing.

Thanks clouds, I knew you never liked me, but I didn't think you'd make my luck worse per second. I mean whose life would accelerate with speed of 5 WTFs per second? Can anything be worse? If there is, please aware me.

"So there are two celebrations today! Your relationship and Arthur's birthday!" Pete shouted from some distance.

Yeah sure two celebrations. My mind's gonna explode right n----

Wait...... Did he say Arthit's birthday?

What. The. Fuck.

Two chaps more!


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