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"What the fuck is wrong with you Arthit! I told you it was right!" I shouted.

"What the fuck is wrong with you! Can't you see if we take one more left we'll be there!" He spat.

"You're fucking nimbo pea brained idiot."

"You're fucking dumbo rice brained idiot."

"Guys calm down, Kong I think Arthit is right...." Kao interfered.

"Yeah, I think that too." Pete nodded with Kao.

"Whatever!" I looked out of the window again.

Well I think this is beyond acting. I'm really annoyed over my boyfriend's stupidity. Blah annoying.

"Seriously guys..... I thought you people will become friends after this camp." Pete sighed.

"Yeah! You even shared a same cabin? Why do you still have to hate each other?" Kao interfered again.

"He's just that adorable that I can't stop myself from hating him." Arthit shrugged.

Could that have given birth to new butterflies in the stomach? I guess yeah.

"Adorable and me? I disagree."  I spat.

"Me too." Kao raised his hand.

"Me three." Pete raised his hand too.

"Aish just stop already!" I don't know why I was annoyed, but never mind.

I finally reached home, I gave Arthit a final nod, and headed to my house. I was a bit disappointed. Maybe because I don't get to annoy him all day.


Next day, we had to go back to the college. Fricking hell. I seriously could have rested at home instead of attenting this stupid camp. Well not exactly stupid... Useless maybe? Aish.

I picked up Kao and headed to school as usual. He went to meet Pete as usual in the ground. I roamed around in the campus and finally went to the lecture on time.

As soon as I reached the class, I found Kao sitting with Pete. Again. And I had to sit with Arthit again. But the feeling was nowhere near annoyance,  I was rather a little excited. Just a reminder to you guys, Arthit is my very own boyfriend.

"Hi Kongy!" He whispered as I sat beside him.

"Hi dumbhead."

"Pete don't you think we should go on some trip again? And I should share a cabin with Kong again? So that I can know him a bit more...." Arthit was talking to Pete,  and placed a hand on my thigh, making me gasp.

"You liked his company Arthit?" Kao asked teasing him.

"Ofc! He's such a loser that it was a great entertainment to me."

"Ex fucking cuse me?" I turned to Arthit angrily, shoving his hand away.

"Calm down Kongy, it's just acting" Arthit whispered in a low voice, so that only I can hear him.

Seriously? Acting? This was like he was taking full advantage of the situation.

"I don't think I wanna share same cabin with him though." I said loudly.

"And why is that?" Kao asked turning back.

"Come on dude! Look at his face..... He would scare the shit out of the toilet."

Arthit gave me a blank stare, and I winked at him.

"Just acting?" I shrugged.

Just then Professor entered and started the class.

"Hey Kong! Meet me in the ground, will you? After this class?" Arthit whispered.

"Why?" I furrowed my eye brows in confusion.

"You're my boyfriend.... For obvious reasons." He shrugged.

Okay does he mean THATTT? 

"Didn't I say no gooshy vooshy unnecessary touching?" I spat.

"It's NECESSARY. It's a biological need everyone wants and you should take care of that. Moreover, I don't think I can control myself any longer." He gritted his teeth. It was amazing to see him like this.

"Aww is dumb Arthit Rojnapat craving for intelligent Kong?" I teased him.

"Yes. Very much. I might eat every bit of you and still be hungry." He whispered slowly in my ears, slowly placing his hands on my thighs again, moving up.

I stopped him just in time.

"If you're that hungry, chew a bubble gum." I made no sense, and I knew it.

"Okay Kongpob, your turn now." The professor called out.

"Y-yes Professsor?" I asked him, confused.

"Your turn now? Answer the question."

"Oh maybe it's 1993." I  took my chances, made a wild guess. I didn't even know the question.

"For your information, we were studying math. And now that you're so interested in history, Why don't we let you attend history class? Get out right NOW!"

I don't understand why am I targetted in everything. This was the third time I was punished when it wasn't even my fault.

Arthit fucking Rojnapat.


Peace ✌

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