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The cabin was veryy small big. It had a good space, but this much space wasn't enough to handle a moron. I think I should have issued more novels from library. Heck how am I even going to survive!?

He was still outside, arguing with Pete. I wish I could the same, but the deal with Kao is gonna be tough for me.

Wait...... I can just start off the chapter of annoying Arthit. He's gonna have toughest time of his life with me. I'll make sure his heart has an uneven rhythm. I'll scare him, annoy him and make this trip the worst for him.

I quickly took out things from my bag, looking for the book I earlier hid. There goes chapter 1.

A warm welcome.

I quickly made all the arrangements. Well it wasn't much. Just water. I'll spill a lot of water in front of the door, which will make him fall, very unfortunate for his butt.

After I was done, I innocently sat down on the bed, unpacking stuff. I simultaneously looked at my wrist watch, waiting for him to enter the room.

After a while, I saw him coming towards the door. I was already internally celebrating my first victory. However, he stopped just before entering the door on hearing the notification sound from his phone.

What the fuck. Why isn't he entering?? He should quickly enter and fall! Why taking so much time!? Ahhh just enterrrrrrr Arthit! I want you IN!

Arthit's POV

I tried talking to Pete about the exchange of rooms. I could stay with anybody. Literally ANYBODY but him. He is such a pain in the ass, keeps looking for trouble all the time. And seriously do you expect me to be in his room and listen to the biology lectures coming from his very dumb brain!? Fuck no.

But ultimately, I lost. Well obviously I shouldn't have expected that, now that kao and Pete are in relationship, they have to have the bedroom for themselves. Aish, I guess I have to tolerate that idiot.

As I was walking to the door, Kong was continuously looking at me, as if..... He's waiting for me? No that's not possible. He hates me, why would he wait for me?
Is there something wrong?

As soon as I reached the door, my phone buzzed. I checked the notification, it was from my dad. I stole a glance at Kong, he was growing impatient. What's the matter?? Did he plan something for me?

"Come on Arthit! Come in! See such a nice place!!"

Why is he acting so friendly with me? Did he drop his head somewhere? I ignored him and kept tapping my phone.

He got up from the bed and moved towards me. His expressions were unreadable. I really can't figure out what he has planned. Or maybe I'm just assuming things?

"Come na Arthit! Look such a beautiful room it is! And do you see that window??"

He kept urging me to come inside. I was confused. But it doesn't mean I won't enter the room forever. I entered the room very cautiously, looking up and down...... Wait why is so much water here!

I was in the middle of processing things when suddenly a pair of hands slightly pushed me, making me lose my balance. I knew it! I knew he'd be planning trouble. But I was quick enough to grab his waist, making him fall on top of me.


The distance left between us was irritating yet relieving. I noticed him closely. He was....... Actually good looking. His shiny eyes, his tanned skin and soft lips. I could feel his waist in my hands, perfectly toned, as if made for me to hold. Wait what the fuck I am thinking..

I quickly pushed him and got up, but thanks to the water, I slipped again, this time on him, my hands on his chest. He looked at me with wide eyes, when we noticed us in a very intimate position.

We got up supporting each other, very confused by our own thoughts. It's weird, but I may want to fall again and again with him..... Aahhhhh snap out of it Arthit! Get yourself together!

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He suddenly shouted at me.

"Wrong with me!? What the fuck is wrong with YOU?!"

"Why the heck would you make me fall too when I am the one who worked hard for this plan?" He said irritatedly.

"You deserved it. But now that you've started, be ready for my attack."

I smirked at him, where he looked confused. Well of course he's not the only one to plan stuff. Will make this all a hell for my dearest Kongy.

Hiya people! I'm finally able to update. I'm sorry for the late update, I hope you haven't abandoned my story yet!

Peace ✌

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