Double update: Kong's diary

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13 Aug 2020

Kao told me he's getting into relationship now. Heck I'm so happy for him, but sad for me! Oh btw...... I met a weird guy today. He was a total dick head, and he called ne ugly. Just because he has an extra handsome face, he can't call me ugly okay!?! I hate him.

14 Aug 2020

Met that guy again! I don't know why did the clouds made me meet with HIM! Argh why was I being so embarassed, it wasn't a big deal if I ssplashed some water on my clothes.... And his stupid smirk just pissed me off so much. But he looks pretty intimidating.... With that smirk.

15 Aug 2020

HE is Pete's friend!!!! Yes HIM! ARLIT........ Arthit whatever............... What the fuck is going on! I hate my life!

17 Aug 2020

Camp is something I hate. I hate Arthit more. What's gonna happen when I have to survive these two together? I don't know.

18 Aug 2020

Kao is a total JERKKKKK! Why am I paired with Arthit!? Living in the same room with him is worse than going to helll! The clouds have conspiracy against me.....

Why didn't Arthit tell his nickname? I'm curious........ I'm really gonna ask Pete tomorrow.

19 Aug 2020

A LOT happened today. Really. A lot.

1. I woke up in Arthit's arms, and my stomach made real flips. He's too hot for health.

2. I messed with his toothpaste, which was my way of taking revenge.

3. He took my first kiss. He seemed angry, but my heartbeats went crazy. Am I being too obsessed with his looks or it's my hormones? Tbh I really wanted to punch his face hard, but I just couldn't. His eyes make me dwell in them. Whenver we eye fight, I can't take my eyes off him, even for a second.

4. And I asked Pete about Arthit's nickname. Ai Oon? That is so cute! I wishbo could call him that. But Pete especially denied me, bcz that's something sensitive to Arthit.

20 Aug 2020

Getting lost in woods IS THE WORST THING EVER! I felt guilty for not believing Arthit's memory, and I was proved wrong. Arthit was actually like a support system to me today. My fear of dark, I didn't really feel it much when I was with him today. It was just so comfortable.

21 Aug

Got locked in cupboard with him and my heart betrayed me again. Later we got into our usual fight and I didn't see him the whole afternoon. To be honest, I missed him. I really did. I completed the Harry Potter series.

Later at night he was with Mike. Argh it was so annoying. Why wasn't he with me? Fighting with me? Annoying me like usual? Am I getting used to him? Or is this something else?

Later at night he asked me to make out with him. Heck it took me all my courage to deny! I so much wanted to do it! I really really really wanted to do brain showed me a few flashes which were coooolllllllll.

22 Aug 2020

I had sex. I'm no longer a virgin. I had sex with Arthit fucking Rojanapat! What was I even thinking...... Why couldn't I control myselffffff??! This is annoying. He was great in bed though, I wish I could do it one more---- Noooooo I'm writing wrong. I don't want to do it.

23 Aug 2020

Somehow, I agreed. I agreed to be his boyfriend. And since then my heart's been beating wildly. Really wildly. As if I've been waiting for this moment from a very long time.

26 Aug 2020

I don't get time to write these days! Maybe bcz I'm not as lonely as before. I have Arthit. He's like a personal diary to me, I can share everything to him, and he'd listen it all. We went to a movie date today. And obviously made out in the theatre, then the washroom as well. I was totally against this all, but Arthit urges me to do it. So much.

28 Aug 2020

We fight together, but we don't forget to smile together as well. Arthit has changed my life. It's like..... Can't be expressed through words. Even until now, I haven't told him, that I really love him a lot. And he means so much you me. His presence is like a gift to me.

29 Aug 2020

Went to the beach today. It was fun. Arthit kept scolding me from time to time when I was going too far in the sea. Now whenever I'd look at the sea, it will remind me that someone really cares for me.

30 Aug 2020

It's your birthday today and maybe this is the last note I'm leaving here. Today, I think I just want you to know that I always want to be with you. I love you Arthit, more than you'll ever know. I don't know when I fell for you so deeply that now you mean the world to me. I don't know what's gonna happen to us in the future either. But for now, you're my only sun.

'Where do you think you're going?'

Isn't this the first thing you said to me when me met? I'll answer you today.

No matter where I go, I always have you in my heart. We, are together, always.

The end.

Author's note

Thank you so much guys for all your support. I can relate to Kong so much in this. There are times when I don't like to express to my friends, or family, how much they mean to me. But deep down, I know they mean the world.

Here in this story Kong is a guy who doesn't express his feelings, ever. And Arthit is maybe who understands him without the need for Kong to express himself. But this diary, told us how much Kong loves Arthit, which he wrote only in his diary, and nowhere else, even while narrating the story.

Final thanks to all of you! I'll miss you alllll........

Loads of love

Ofc not forgetting


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