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Arthit's POV

After we were asked to get out of the classroom, I was happy. Finally I was getting some free alone time with Kong?!
But Kong, what did he do? He went to the library. Yes you read it right. HE WENT TO THE FRICKIN LIBRARY!?

I did follow him, but couldn't get in the library. Well I had issued a book some time back and lost it, so yeah. The librarian will kill me if she sees me.

Argh I'll have to wait for kong now.

After a while, I saw Kong. Nope, correction; I saw Kong with specs on. He looked smoking hot, immediately waking up the urges I had been trying to control.
How can someone look  that hot in frickin spectacles??!

"Kongyyyyyyyy!" I called him out. He looked at me, in horror, suddenly taking off his specs and hiding them.

"Wtf? Why did you take them off?"

"They don't suit my charming personality." He simply shrugged. Can someone please explain him the reality for me?

"No you looked-"

"No need Arthit. Shut up." He didn't let me complete my sentence.

"Not that you were gonna believe my anyways." I almost reassured myself.

We went to the canteen place where Pete Kao were waiting for us. I swear I was getting impatient. Kong was so much into acting like 'we hate the shit out of each other' that he was forgetting we were actual boyfriends!

"Walk faster shithead."

Would he call me that even while we're having sex? Every time? Well yeah that's so Kongly.

"Hey Kong what have you been doing since then? You seem to get a lot of punishments these days." Pete laughed with Kao, who said the above statement.

"Yeah I've been surrounded by a bunch of pests lately." Kong replied staying it as a matter of fact.

"Stop messing with my patience." I reminded Kong as we walked to the table.

"So what did you do?" Kao asked again. "As per the latest news, you people still can't stand each other."

"Yep you're right. So I went to the place he can never reach." Kong chuckled while looking at me. Argh this boy is frustrating my hormones a lot. Wait, where did this bio come from?

"But I'm pretty surprised that Arthit is not having a lot of come backs these days...." Pete looked at me suspiciously.

"What..... Me.... No..... I mean...." I didn't fucking know what to say!  I stole a glance at Kong, his expression tensed a little.

"Frick! You're even stuttering! Something is wrong with you dude!" Pete was sounding serious now.

Suddenly I felt something drop on my feet? I don't know! It pained.

"Owwwwww!" I stole a glance at Kong again. Satisfaction covering his face.

Kong ducking kicked me.

"What happened Arthit?" Kao asked.

"I don't know, I think ant bit me." I replied while glaring at Kong, his expression suddenly changing after he heard my answer.

"The ant.... Bit you?" Kao asked again, confused.

Okay shit. Do I not have a little sense left?

"Yyyyeah it was some special kind of ant, we read about it in the class, you don't remember?" I tried to play along.

"Oh.YESSSSSS. I remember NOWWW. Yes we did read that." Kong said while nodding. His acting sucks.

"Something is definitely wrong with you. Since when did you start paying attention to class?" Pete asked widening his eyes.

"Since f-forever?"  Why the hell am I stuttering so much today....

"What's redostilayoor?" Pete asked me. Fuck! My best friend is testing me now. Great!

"It's that thing..... The one from which we can transport goods from one place to another?" I guessed damn wildly.

"It's nothing Arthit. I just made that word up in my mind. Are you sure you pay attention?"

Fucking hell! When the fuck did he get that intelligent to actually make up a word and make me feel that it exists??!


Kong's POV

Arthit is dumb idiot. I knew that from the start. But today, he crossed the level of the maximum dumbness. Like seriously! How could he not figure that out!? Thanks to the bell that we had to leave. But this is in---

I was suddenly pulled in the Janitors closet, actually KIDNAPPED.

"What the fu-"

My words...... Lost their location. Arthit was holding me by my collar, kissing me, WILDLY. Now please tell me how am I supposed to stop this when my hormones are accelerating?

"Arthit stop---we can't-" I tried to speak in between the pauses he took to breathe.

"Shhhhhhh.... You've made me wait for too long Kongy..." He whispered while unbuttoning my shirt as fast as possible.

"But the r-rule...." I tried NOT to let out a moan in that situation and let him get the message.

"Some rules are meant to be broken Kongy." He gave me a final stare before attacking the weak spot on my neck. His hands were roaming all over my body.

He roughly pushed me, against the wall, and hurriedly undid my jeans while sucking on my neck, biting it softly.

"A-are you giving me a hickey? We're in college--" I asked him while he was busy planting kisses on my neck, same spot again and again.

"That's my punishment to you." I could feel his smirk against my skin. That stupid hot intimidating smirk.

His hand out of nowhere reached my crotch, and I gasped. I couldn't hold it in anymore, and I placed my hands on his back, pulling him closer and closer.

He quickly flipped me, teasing my waistline with his assaing fingers. He slipped his hand in my boxers, tracing his fingers up and down, making me shudder under his touch.

"Ready Kongy?" He whispered seductively, making the hair on my nape stand up.

"Right here?" I managed to say it, with a moan just after.

"Right here. Right now."

And then the time ran so quickly, that just this one little session seemed incomplete, and I kept yearning for more and more.

Hey guys! Late update.... But I did make it up by writing a much longer chapter than I usually do!


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