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Arthit's POV

I was walking to the group in front of the fire, before I saw Kong sitting down under the tree he was on some time before. I felt my heart doing a back flip, when I saw him mumbling something to himself. I moved closer to him, carefully so that he doesn't notice me.

"Why can't I stop losing everything! I'm afraid now..... What if I lose my mind too? Will I be dimbo like other kids at the college? What do you think Mickey? I think that too."

He kept mumbling cutely, sometimes pouting in between, urging me to hug him. Is he drunk?

"Everything was going well until that hot bastard sprang in my life. You know he's so hot, but a bastard."

He is DEFINITELY drunk. And who? Hot bastard? Who is he talking about? Is that the person he likes? But he never mentioned it to me......

"But that stupid hot bastard ruined it all. Took my first kiss, took my virginity, took my peace by confessing, makes my heart skip a beat for himself! He is so annoying!!!! I kept that reserved for my boyfriend!!! Right Mickey?"

Ok he was talking about me. Damnnnnn I almost died from jealousy, just the thought of him liking someone else messed my mind. Aish! But.... Who the fuck is Mickey? Who is he talking to? Is he imagining somebody?

Wait.... Did he say I make his heart skip a beat?

"Yes you're right! I'll find that hot bastard. I take everything back. I'll punch his face and take everything back, like my mom taught me."

Oh Frick...... He's gonna come look for me..... I should move away a little.

I pretended to walk away, when I heard his voice.

"You hot bastarddddd! You wait! I'll come to you."

I turned around to look at him, he came running, stumbling in my direction. I gave him little support by holding him by waist.

"Why is he turned into four people? Did he get divided?"

"Four people? I'm only one Kong!" I furrowed my eyes in confusion.

"Which one of them is the person who messed with me? Mickey I'm so confused." He was still talking to some Mickey I couldn't see. I wonder who the hell is that.

But the drunk him, is so cuteee. Normally, he'd be all grumpy and arrogant. But right now? He's just like a 5 year old.

He raised his hand and approached me, I was unsure of what he wanted to do. He reached my cheek, making me stiffen under his touch.

He suddenly started poking it.


"Hey hey hey stop...." I held his hand to make him stop. He innocently looked at me, and his facial expressions changed quite sooner, finally remembering something.

"You baaaaaddddddd hot bastard! You took everything from me!" He shouted.

"What did I take from you Kongy?" I smirked and raised my eyebrow.

"You took my kiss, you took my virginity, you even took my real name! You took my peace....." He started counting, with the fingers, making him look more and more cute with every second.

"Ah that's sad.... What should we do now?" I started heading to the cabin, in the hope that he'd follow me.

"Give me back! All of it!" He shouted, trying to follow me.

"What if I don't want to?" I opened the door of the cabin, leading him inside.

He suddenly grabbed my hand and pushed me to the door, closing it with a bang.

"If you don't give it back, I'll bite you." He said, looking straight in my eyes, making my whole body not able to move.

I looked back in his eyes, grabbing his waist and pulling him as close as possible to me.

"If you want that back so desperately, then fine."

I slowly closed the distance between us, and bit his lower lip gently. I kissed him slowly, to which he responded quite aggressively. I was shocked when he took the lead, but I let him go with the flow. His tongue explored my mouth, and I slipped my hands under his shirt, earning a musical moan from him.

I pulled back, not wanting to take advantage of him when he was drunk.

"I gave it back to you. Your first kiss." I left his waist, but his hands remained on my neck, not moving a bit, urging me to kiss him again.

"Now make me a virgin back." He pouted.

"What!?" I was shocked to hear it from him. How do we do that? Make him virgin back again?

"YES!" He commanded.

"But that's quite not possible--"

"NONONONONONONO!" He loosened his grip and sat on the floor, like a kid.

"Okay we can have a solution to this problem." I thought of something, which was not quite right.

"What?" He looked at me curiously.

"I can be your boyfriend? Then you won't have to worry about losing your virginity to someone else?" I suggested, hoping a better answer from earlier.

He thought for a while. The silence was killing me. I got desperate with each passing second.

"Okay. I agreeeeeeeeeeeeyuyyyeeeeee. This will solve my problem na?" He asked innocently.

I was happy. I know he'd deny it tomorrow. But I was happy. To atleast hear it from him.

"What if you change?" I asked him.

"Arlit, I am a man of my words. I won't change. If I do, you can kidnap me. I give you permission." He grinned like an idiot. And after a while I realised I was grinning like an idiot too.

"Come on let's sleep now."

I helped him to walk to the bed, and he cuddled with me as soon as he laid on the bed. He nudged his nose in my chest, and I slowly cuddled him back.

"This feels nice....." He mumbled softly, making me chuckle.

I wish he'd get drunk everyday.

I assumed tonight will be the night I'd sleep peacefully, but then, I heard something. Something impossible to believe. Something I wanted to hear over and over again. A soft voice from Kong.

"I like Ai Oon."

Just a reminder, don't miss the 25.5 update guys........!


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