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I walked to him, looking straight into his angry eyes staring back at me. What the heck does he think of himself?! I'm sure his spinal cord has some problem...... Maybe that disorder? Where people can't bend? What was the name?? Schoolosis?

"You want me to pick them up right?" I glared at him.

He just nodded, expressionlessly.

"Oh okay" I picked up his books, and completely ignoring his presence infront of him and--


Maybe I did that intentionally? I wouldn't have done that but I guess he lost his senses after smashing his head into mine. And it was important to bring him back.

"I think it's your turn to pick them up now."

I look at the floor, books getting scattered even more than earlier, then him, wincing in pain with a hand on his head.

I moved closer to him, examining his face. His eyes were angrier than before.

"And about the ugly part, I think you should reconsider your words since 90% of your beauty can be removed right here."

Before he could actually get what I just said, I quickly disappeared. I didn't want to waste more time.

I knocked on Kao's dorm door. Though I'm not in a great mood to celebrate my best friend's relationship, thanks to that Assheaded person, but at least I can ask for details. I can't let Kao be with any random person. I need to ensure he's handsome and you know, good at biology.

I swear he's always like that. I was maybe 2 mins late? Or no. I might have wasted a LOT OF TIME with that idiot.

"Just let me come inside." I walked in and my eyes landed on a handsome guy, with tanned skin.

"Who's he? " I asked coldly. I was not expecting my best friend to make other best friends behind my back.

"My boyfriend! The one I told you about?"

Wait..... HE is my best friend's boyfriend? I don't believe this.... I didn't know Kao had a potential to date handsome guys.

"Hello I'm Pete." He gave me a hesitant smile, making him look more good looking. But I can't approve him just because he was good looking. He's gonna have a TOUGH test.

"So Pete, Kao told you about me right? " I asked expressionlessly.

"Yeah... You're his best friend, and--"

"And you know about the test right?" I cut him off jumping directly on  point.

"Yeah.. " He replied nervously.

Well yeah, he should be nervous. My test isn't really easy. After Kao had his first breakup, we made a pact, of testing each other's boyfriend before we get  in relationship with them. Whoever breaks the pact, will have to fulfill any wish of the other party.

"So how much do you drink in a day?"

"Oh I only drink once a weak, not much.."

"I meant water."

"Uh? I never counted? Maybe 5-6 bottles a day?"

I noted it down in a blank paper. He must be thinking I'm stupid to ask that. But he doesn't know the logic behind that question. Well obviously if he exceeded 9 bottles I might have disqualified him. I don't want him to go to pee while they are making out. That's such a turn off!

"Since when are you gay?" I asked.

He gave Kao a confused look, looked back at me and then again at Kao.

"Since birth?" He made it sound very obvious. But obviously everyone can't know what their sexuality is since birth? This is suspicious.

"Okay I see." I made a note and continued.

"Okay now tell me, which actresses/model/ any famous celebrity do you like?" I asked further. This question will help me figure out his choices.

"Oh I like so many people, Gigi Hadid, Luka Sabbat, David Gandy, Cindy Sherman---"

"YOU LIKE CINDY SHERMAN!?" I almost jumped out of my seat. Yeah, I can be excited too.

"Yeah she is a great model and obviously the best Photographer." He replied looking confused.

"That's it. You're passed!"

"YAYYYYYYYYYY" Kao threw himself into Pete's arms, celebrating the moment.

Well that was tough. But nobody who likes Cindy Sherman can be wrong.

We chatted, like a Good trio, and after a while, Pete went back to his place. I thought we are going to be a trio, but Pete has a best friend too, named 'Arlit'.
This gives me a relief too, atleast I won't be third wheeling.  We all are going on a dinner tomorrow and I'm curious to meet this guy, after hearing about him from Pete.

Heya people! Updateeeeee..... Okay this test was amazing! I loved it.

And the 'Arlit' person, you know who is kong talking about right😂...... I'm wondering what's gonna happen when these two meet tomorrow😟


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