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Am I perhaps jealous? Nah nah. No way. I can't be. Hahahahahahahaha. Especially for that moron? Not at all. I'd be called crazy if I say I'm jealous. I'm not jealous. Nope. Never. Hell yes.

"Hey Mike stoppp! I'm gonna die laughing!"

Mike may be tickling Arthit right now, and in my entire journey of surviving Arthit, I have never seen him laugh this much.

I stormed to them, almost angrily. See I'm very very possessive. So no other creature is allowed to even claim my enemy. And Arthit? we sort of became friends right? Almost.

Arthit looked at me storming towards him, and his face formed a confused expression. And I don't know what he thought, that he immediately made a posture like he's ready to shoot a punch at me in defense.

When I almost reached near him, he shouted idiotically, "See Kongy whatever happened to you, I seriously didn't do anything this time..... Don't you dare blame me!"

Is he mad? He really is. But let's ignore that fact for a moment. I have other stuff to deal with.

"Come with me." I grabbed his hand and took him with me to the activity place.

"Why the hell are you hanging out with Mike!? Don't you know WE are partners?" I stressed on the WE part.

"But.... Isn't it the night activity? No partner activity? We don't have to be together you know?" He tried to explain.

Well he was right. But something felt wrong.

"No I just wanted to say that I like Hagrid." Ok it was a very bad idea to change the subject, but I did.

"Wow you watched Harry Potter?" He questioned wide eyed.

"I wasn't planning to, but since I was extremely free this afternoon, I completed the series....." I replied. It took me more than six hours to complete it, but I kind of, just a little, liked it.

"So you grabbed me here just to inform this?" He asked again.

Well tbh even I don't know why I grabbed him here. Maybe I wanted to just mess with him? Ah okay. I didn't want him to be near Mike.

"What do you mean JUST this, I watched Harry Potter and it's a GREAT thing alright!?" I almost shouted at him, leaving him surprised.

"Okay okay, I believe you Kongy."

First time, the very first time, I got butterflies when he called that name. Usually I get irritated, but this time....... Weirdddddddd.

"Can I go now?" He asked, leaving me with no particular excuse to stop him.

"Ah y-yes yes.... Sure. Go go. I am not stopping you. Why would I stop you? You're with your date and ofc don't think I'm jealous! Don't you dare think that! I just wanted to tell you about Hagrid, that's all. You can go. Do whatever you want and --" I kept blabbering, but I was cut off by his hedious laugh.

"Kong...... You're weird......." He said while laughing.

"but cute." He stopped laughing, and his lips formed the usual smirk.

"Y-yeahwwhatever?!" I don't know what I said.


So Arthit went back earlier, back to HIS Mike. I can't exactly stop looking at them,
though I really wanna ignore them. Now I understand what the jealousy feels like. I used to be completely confused about it, I thought it was biologically not possible. But it seems wrong.

We were seated in a circle, as usual I sat beside Kao, and as usual he was busy with Pete, paying least attention to me. Arthit and Mike sat just opposite to us, giving me perfect display of their uninvited affection.

"Hey you're so good looking!" Mike said to Arthit, which I sort of overheard.

Well good looking! Seriously! This Mike guy is such a liar...... Where the hell does he find Arthit good looking!?

"So are you!" Arthit flirted back.

Now this is the ugliest lie I've ever heard!

"Okay people, attention here! Now we're gonna play truth or dare... I'm sure everyone knows how we play it right? The person sitting just opposite to you gives you question or dare, and if you can't answer or do it, you get a punishment from the person himself...... So everyone ready?" Professor explained us the game.

I was busy eye fighting with Arthit, again. He may be fighting for some other reason though. My reason was crystal clear, in my head. I've got to end this Mike's ass before he grabs it.

Okay no peace in Kong's mind.

But still

Peace ✌

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