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Surprise surprise...! Double update......
Mature content again. Though it's not gonna be the same as in other novels, because our Kongy is doing it the very first time and OBSESSED with Biology. Let's pray for Arthit for now.


Arthit's POV

"Show me your nails." Kong interrupted again.

"What? Why?" I asked him while showing him my nails.

"Okay good. If your nails were long, we would have stopped here. Your nails could have tore my delicate tissue there." He explained, while I continued to prepare him.

He had done this the third time. Our foreplay session was beyond good, though there were a few times we were interrupted too. Like the time when I forgot about lube and condom, and when I was applying the lube, also when I was wearing the condom, some other times too.

After we had done the foreplay, the main thing was still left. I don't know what had gotten into Kong since then, he keeps interrupting. I've done it with girls, it's my first time with a guy, but I think I did a whole research on it, watched porns too. But Kong just keeps talking and making me more and more nervous.

When I was done preparing him, I positioned myself, taking a deep breath.

"Are you ready?" I asked him.

"You tell me, I'm always ready, but are you ready?" He asked me back.

"Yeah." I sighed heavily again.

As soon as I was going to get in, I heard his voice again.

"Wait!!" He looked at me with a concerned face.

Fourth time. Breathe Arthit. Calm down.

"What?" I asked him.

"You don't have HIV or any sexually transmitted disease, do you?" He looked at me seriously.

"The fuck? NO! " I almost shouted.

"Okay then. You know I can't take chances." He shrugged before laying back on the bed.

Okay Arthit, calm down. Let's try again.

I took a deep breath again--

"Hey Arthit I had a question." He looked at me again, looking confused.

Fifth time.


"What's your nickname?"

"Why the hell are you reminded of my nickname all of a sudden?" I tried to remain calm, my tone didn't seem like it though.

"I don't know. I read somewhere that communication is important while doing it." He pouted, making me instantly forgive him for the nth time.

"Let me concentrate, okay?"

I took a deep breath, AGAIN. And just when I was about to enter, he disturbed again.


"Listen, don't get too rough with me, calm your horses before entering alright? I don't want 'oops it slipped' excuses later." He warned me in a serious tone.

"Uh okay." I nodded lightly, and laid back.

I positioned myself when he suddenly got up disturbing again. I may be losing my patience now.

Seventh fucking time.

"See there are lots of blood vessels in and around the prostate and it can get bruised if handled roughly, so treat it gently....." He looked directly into my eyes.

"See Kongy! I'll handle it okay! I'm not a virgin like you?! Just trust me and lie down, QUIETLY."

He laid back down, I kissed the back of his neck, to make him calm down. I know he may be nervous, but can he stop making me nervous too with all his biology??!

"You won't knot in me, would you?" He asked again, curiously.


"Huh? What is that!" I don't know where was he getting all these terms.

"Oh I read a manga in which the person knotted the other person while doing it, and it was painful."

"Stop. Reading. Mangas." I gritted my teeth.

58th time

"What flavour is your condom?" He asked tilting his head.


"Oh cool. You know I'm allergic to pear."

"I don't think that flavour exists."

"Oh thank God. I hope they don't make it too." He laughed weirdly.

I bent down and whispered in his ear slowly, "Shhhh Kongy, stay quiet..... Or I may reconsider my decision of going slow..." I kissed his nape, all way down his back. I could feel him stiffen a little.

Finally after 58 unsuccessful tries, here I go for another one.

"Arthit...." Kong called out softly.

Can someone please explain me how to have sex without getting annoyed with Kongy Suthiluck under me? Because teaching him to be quiet can't really happen.

"Hmmmm" I could feel the irritation in my voice.

"What if I feel like pooping in between?" He mumbled.

Whaaaaat!?? I'm done. I'm fucking done with this idiot. I immediately got up, and took out a piece of cloth. He looked confused, but didn't protest much, which made it easier for me to blindfold his eyes while I wished I could DUMBFOLD his mouth.

With the final sigh, I entered him. I was concerned about Kong, and waited until he wanted me to move. After getting a slight nod from him, I started moving, drowning into the moans of my name.

Hehe.... I hope I satisfied you..... A bit? Since this is a double update, make sure you read the previous chapter.
Peace ✌

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