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"You're not understanding Kao! Pete is NOT good for you!"

I have been trying to convince Kao for a while now. After I came to know about his best friend, I'm not letting Kao to be in relationship with him.

"Kong I love him! He even passed your test! You're being childish if you're judging him on the basis of his friends!"

Well that was true. I just didn't want Arthit guy to be in my life, in any way. I don't care if he's my best friend's boyfriend's best friend, I just wanna get rid of him.

"Ah fine......If you really like him, then I can't stop you."

Kao got excited and hugged me, almost making me and him fall. Aish overdramatic idiot.

Maybe I'm just too obsessed with my hatred for Arthit. I should be MYSELF now. Maybe I could just bother him. A lot. So much that he just gets tired and stops hanging out with Pete to avoid me.


Okay so breathe innnnn
               Breathe outttttt.

Stay calm Kong! You can do it!

I was in an extremely good mood when I woke up today. Like so good that I might even make notes today. Usually I doodle in my book, because I just hate writing. I listen to the professors and my memory is good enough that my neurons help me keep it in my mind.

When I reached the classroom, I saw something weird. No, rather disturbing. Disturbing enough to blow up my good mood. Kao was sitting with Pete, on MY bench. He waved at me, asking me to join him, and sit behind him. And you can guess who was sitting there right?

I've been standing at the entrance for past 3.5 mins now, calming down myself. I can handle him right? I can show him my 'Konginess'.

Sighing heavily, I finally cursed my fate for nth time before joining them. I smiled at Pete, and took my seat beside him.

Arthit welcomed me with a  bro fist? Okay this was quite unexpected. But totally ignoring his ugly fist, I opened my notes, well 3 page notes I made on the very first day of the class. Ofc I don't want him to know that I doodle in the class. I can't let him know even one weakness of me.

"Okay dude you know we can sort out things right?" He nudged on my shoulder gently. Way too gently.

"Do you know what's your body made up of?" I turned to him.

"Yeah. Handsomeness." He grinned like an idiot.

"No. It's made up of cells. Anything that's made up of cells is matter. And matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. According to this theory, I'm a matter too. So GIVE ME SPACE."

I'm sure it might have hit him hard. In the brain. When I first met him I obviously thought he got no brain. But that's humanly impossible. Wait, did I discover something here? He is NOT an alien,is he?

"Where are you from?" I asked him to confirm my doubt.

"Area 119."

See!? It actually seems like a location on Pluto. I swear if he continues messing with me, I'll leave him to research department.

"Why asking, KONGY?"

Wait... What did he call me? KONGY? Do I look like a girl to him!? What kind of name is that?? Ew no I don't like.

"It's Kongpob." I replied correcting him.

"But I like Kongyyy." He said pouting.

Just for some light years, I stared appreciating his pink lips making that pout. How can they be that pink!? Okay maybe he has high haemoglobin.  I was quick enough to come out of my reveries and continue fighting.

"See it's my name and you can't change it as per your wish-"


"I said STOP."

"Kongyyy pongyyy."

He was trying to annoy me. And guess what? I WAS getting hella annoyed.

"See this is the last time--"

"Aww kongyy angry?"

"Fricking stop or I'll--"


"FUCKING STOP DICKHEAD!!" I shouted annoyingly.

"Arthit Rojnapat! Kongpob Suthiluck! Out of the class! NOWWW!"

Hey people! Update again!

So basically, I'm going to have an important exam in first week of September, and I needa prepare for that. So until then, updates might be late. I'll try updating every Tuesday and Friday, but if I somehow can't, forgive😅

Peace ✌

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