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I dressed up formally for the dinner. Though I HATE dressing up, but just because Kao forced me to look 'presentable'. I don't understand though, why do I have to get dressed up when nobody's actually gonna even look at me. Pete would stare at Kao, and vice versa. I don't know about his friend Arlit though, I suppose he's gonna be a good company since I trust Pete's choices.

I reached the location where Pete greeted me, well obviously this lasted only for a few minutes. Just after Kao entered the scene, Pete's attention went solely to Kao. Expected stuff!

I don't know why was I even invited here. Maybe have a chitchat with Pete's friend, so that in future I can be comfortable with him and won't be the third wheel in their relationship.

"Umm where is your friend, Pete?"


I definitely feel there's something going on under the table. Argh should I give them some privacy?

I turned to Kao, "I'll be back in a while."

Ignored again.

Just when I was about to get up, I saw someone familiar striding towards our table. His eyes were fixed on Pete. Why the fuck was he here? Is he planning to get on my nerves again?

"Hey Pete what's up!"

He took the seat beside Pete, not noticing me at all. Pete smiled at him, turning towards me and Kao to introduce him. That's when he noticed my presence. His eyes widened, with confusion being planted on his face.

A: Arthit
K: Kao
P: Pete)

Ko: "Please don't tell me HE is Arlit!?"

P: "Wait who's Arlit?"

A: "Please don't tell me HE is the one you're dating!?"

P: "Wait there's some confusion"

Ko: "Why the fuck are you here?"

A: "Trust me I'm wondering the same.."

Ko: "Kao you can't date him."

A: "Wait what's Kaw"

P: "Kaw what?"

K: "Excuse me? It's KAO"

Ko: "Arlit! You aren't invited here!"

A: "You aren't either. Stay away from me and my friend!"

Ko: "I'll be GLAD to stay away from you Arlit!"

P: "Who the fuck is Arlit?"

A: "I don't care! I don't approve him to be your boyfriend Pete!"

P: "Who's my boyfriend!"

Ko: "I don't approve him to be your friend Pete!"

P: "Wait... "

A: "Whoever he is! Ask him to leave right this instant!"

Ko: "If not?"

A: "Pete stop me if you don't want him to be beaten."

Ko: "PETE I swear--"

P: "Who the fuck is PETE!!?!!??"



The air was thick with suspense. My eyes refuse to leave HIS stare. I was intensely staring back at him, showing him the fire in my eyes.

After that HUGE chaos we made a couple of stares ago, Kao asked us to clear stuff out after the dinner. Since then, nobody spoke anything.

But I need no words to describe my despise towards him. I know what he was thinking, and I thought the same.

"Okay so..." Kao cleared his throat before speaking further, "Let's start by introducing."

"He's Kongpob, my best friend. I'm KAO, the one who's dating your friend."

He turned to the VERY tired Pete, who very hesitantly started.

"He's Arthit-"

"No your tongue slipped. ARLIT." I cut him off correcting him.

"I'm ARTHIT. It's you whose eardrum slipped." He replied glaring at me.

"What kind of name is that? Isn't Arthrit 'swelling in joints'?" I asked confused. It's weird to have such name.

Everybody went silent. Arlit-- no Arthit, furrowed his eyebrows. Maybe these people are bad at biology.

"Never mind. I got it. ARTHIT."

Pete finally continued, "Yeah so he's Arthit, my best friend, the one I talked to you about."

"I thought you had great choices." I mumbled to myself, which I guess only Arthit heard.

"ASSHEAD." Arthit remarked.

"DICKHEAD." I replied without looking at him.

"Peanut brained."

"Rice brained."

"What does rice brained even mean?" Arthit asked confused by my remark.

"Arthit." I replied blatantly. I'm sure he had his fists clenched after hearing my reply. To be honest I really wanted to annoy the frick out of him. Well, about rice brained, you all know right, rice is smaller than a peanut.

After all this, one thing was sure in my mind. Pete didn't have good choices. And I have to convince my friend to leave him. Having Arthit around was unbearable. And I suddenly lost trust in Pete.

Out of 7 billion weird people in this world, Pete was the most imperfect guy.

Peace ✌

Where do You Think You're Going? (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now