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Great! Just great! I mean I think even the skies are conspiring against me. I was thrown out of the class, again. But this time, I was with the person I never want to get punished with. I can't even express how much I want to ban his presence around me.

But I'm too annoyed to even argue with him. It's best for me to just ignore him and get the fuck away from him. I don't know why, but every time I try ignoring him, something about him triggers me and I want to get back.

"Look what you did kongy."

Here he goes again. This name, I hate it. I have valid reasons to do so.
1. It feels weird.
2. He gave it to me.
3. His voice is irritating.

I will definitely get back at him for this. But later. Today is not the time. We both know  that we hate each other from the bottom of our hearts. Today was his day. I haven't lost. Just taking a break from this stupidity. And anyways we're gonna have 3 days holiday starting tomorrow. Which I guess, are going to be the best days of this month, because I don't get to see this asshole.

I started heading to the canteen. Maybe food is the only thing which could calm me down after all this anger and irritation. All I need is a cold coffee with chips. The combination is yummmmm.

I turned around to check if he's following me. Nope. Thank God FINALLY!

After the 'oh so peaceful' time, Pete and Kao joined me. I had to talk to Kao. How could he let me sit with HIM!?

"Kao I need to-"


"Did you get bit by the professor?" I asked blankly. He never lets me speak. But maybe we can discuss that later. He's hyper again, which means my life's gonna be a mess again. It's weird that whenever my best friend gets excited or hyper, it means 'YOUR LIFE IS FUCKED UP KONGY!" Wait.... Did I call myself Kongy? Damn Kongggg. Kongpob. That's it.

"The hell Kong? Why do you always think of me getting bit by someone?" Kao furrowed his eyebrows.

"ANYWAYS! I wanna tell you that-"

He was cut off by the most ill-mannered person on this Earth. Yeah you're right. The Arthit Rojnapat. He almost jumped on the table, making a huge sound, disturbing all of us, maybe specifically was meant for me.

"What the hell?" I spat.

"Hell? Oh please go soon." This guy is unbelievable. But I don't feel anything bad about it. I've always known he has a gutter-mouth.

"Guys LISTEN TO ME!" With this Kao continued, "There's gonna be a camp, for like 3 days, some weird activities and shit, but it's gonna be fun, I mean I can tell you we're gonna enjoy it....."

The one thing that I hated the most was camping. I mean it was such a time waste! Instead of actually sleeping on our beds we stay awake in front  of the fire, instead of having fun making random drawings of the professors, we do random activities which people unfortunately call 'fun'. And things get worse when you have to sleep in dangerous forests. So in total, I'm not going. And Kao knows me well.

"Oh then enjoy people! I'll see ya after three days."

"You're not coming? I'm glad." Says the idiot.

"Umm Kong, Professor asked for the names after you went out, and we gave both of your names.. " Kao spoke hesitantly.

"WHAT!? WHY??" This is unbelievable. Kao knew I hate that stuff. Why would he give my name without even asking me!? And  the worst part is camping with HIM!? Damn no fricking way!

"I AM NOT GOING WITH HIM!" Arthit almost screamed pointing me, causing a few spoons and plates to turn towards us.

"Guys quiet--"

"No Pete! This is insane! These 3 days were important for me! I was so happy that I don't have to see frickety creature?!" Arthit snapped at Pete. And I was glad he thought the same as me.

"You know what! THE FEELING IS MUTUAL..." I told Arthit and turned to Kao, looking at him angrily. He definitely didn't want to face this version of me.

"Guys I-I'm gonna go to washroom--" Kao hesitantly got up, but Pete was quick enough to make him sit again.

"Kao you can't leave me alone to handle these creatures?!" Pete almost begged Kao to stay.

"Ok people, Let's.talk.about.this." Arthit gritted his teeth, eye-fighting me. I stared him back, with all the force to eye-fight back.

Oops! Just remembered that today is Friday. Anyways, can anyone convince Kong to join camp?😳 

Also, can anyone give me their ideas, how can things progress between them?! Like as for now, they both HATE each other.

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