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Kong's pov

I wasn't exactly in the mood to go out and have sweet talk with the people out there, but guess I had no choice. Our captain was unfortunately the professor who had thrown me out of the class once, so he can't be trusted. He may kick me out of the camp as well. Not that I'm interested to stay, but I have no transport to go back.

So I moved out, to check for what reason we've been called, and I discovered that we're already starting with an activity.

Everybody was busy waiting for professor to make the announcement, and professor was busy in making arrangements, and arrangements were busy in getting delayed, and the delay was busy in getting more delayed.

I saw Pete and Arthit laughing like crazy, maybe they discovered how big of an idiot Arthit is. Kao was standing beside Pete, tapping something on his phone. I moved to them.

"Why are you guys Arthiting around?" I asked them casually. Everyone looked at me confused. I could bet Arthit raised an eyebrow.

"I was about to say 'fooling around' but I thought maybe Arthit defines a fool much better."

I looked at Arthit who seemed very much angry by the comment. He was about to say something but he was cut off by the announcement.

"Okay boyss! I hope everyone is here. So in today's activity, we'll be playing a small game, which will let you know each other well."

Everybody started whispering and murmuring.

"So you all will sit in a circle, and I will ask questions one by one. You all have to answer every question turn by turn. And if you want to skip the question, you'll drink the juice we're giving you."

I looked at the bottle in which the juice was stored. I guess it's bittergourd's juice, cz it is damn green in color, and doesn't look drinkable.

"Are you guys readyyyy!"


Everyone cheered. Kao chose to sit beside Pete, Pete beside Arthit and obviously Arthit chose to sit beside me.
However I switched my seats with a short boy named Gun.

As soon as Gun sat beside Arthit, he jumped back on his feet rubbing his butt. Arthit's expression changed.

"Why did you sit here!? It was Kong's place!" He shouted.

Okay it was meant for me. Thank clouds I'm safe. I have to be careful around Arthit. After checking everything, I sat beside Arthit.

"You escaped it huh?" Arthit said looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"I'm smart unlike you." I spat.

"Okay so everyone is seated? Let's start!" Professor gained our attention.

I moved a bit further from Arthit, and he moved closer to me again. Aish!

"So this one is the easiest. What is your nickname, what your parents call you?"





It was funny. Damn funny to listen to all the nicknames. It was my turn now.


Well obviously, my full name was Kongpob. And people called me Kong. So yep. Now Arthit's turn. I was curious to hear his nickname.

He thought for a while, before taking a sip of that horrible juice.

"Really Arthit? This is the easiest question!" I was more than curious now. Why did he want to hide his nickname? Maybe it's damn hideous. And I wanna know.

"It's none of your business."

Dang. I'll ask Pete later maybe.

"So next question boys! So.... How many times have you done IT."

Well trust me it was darn awkward to discuss this stuff with your Professor, but everyone was taking it quite casually. And out professor wasn't that old too, maybe in his 30s.

Everybody started answering again. Would it be weird if I say it out loud that I'm a virgin? I'm not pretty sure....

My turn came. I took a sip of the juice.  It was horrible. Dang fricking horrible. I may have confessed that I'm a virgin, but I don't want Arthit to know it.

It was Arthit's turn again. And to my surprise, he again chose to take the sip. What the fuck! How could he do that?! I mean obviously he is not a virgin, he seems to be a playboy, who'd sleep every week with someone. And why would he drink that horrible juice again!

Heya people!
Update again.
Any questions from your side that you wanna ask? I may include them in my next chapter.

Peace ✌

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