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Arthit's POV
I swear I was half asleep when kong asked me to do the challenge. It was easier for me to keep myself awake when kong was entertaining me by dancing or singing. But later on, it was damn difficult.

After it struck 2:40, kong fell on the bed and slept like dead. I wanted to wake him up and show that I won, so that I can take the bed. But as soon as I touched him to wake him up, he took my arm and placed his head comfortably on it. I was startled by his move, unable to think what to do next.

He cuddled with me like a baby, and I seriously hate cuddling. But I don't know why, somehow it felt good with him. He wasn't ready to leave me, already asleep. So I let him sleep on the bed with me. I'm good right? Yeah I am.

After Kong woke up, I continued to sleep for some more time, I was not in a mood to wake up. Around 10, I lazily woke up again. I looked around, couldn't find kong anywhere. Maybe in Kao's cabin?

I slowly walked in the bathroom, picking up my brush and toothpaste. The moment I kept it in my mouth, I sensed a very bitter and disgusting taste......! I quickly removed it, wondering where's the minty taste I used to get.....!?

Just then I heard a laughter from someone, the very someone I suspect who's responsible for this. I hope he has not destroyed my toothpaste.

"What the fuck did you do Kong?" I asked him to confirm my suspicion.

"Nothing much well.... Just a little experiment with your paste... " He replied teasing me.

"You're saying you destroyed my toothpaste to just mess with me!?" I grew angry. I didn't expect he'd go this far.

"No well. I wanted you to taste your words. They're usually bitter you know?" He started laughing again.

However I was in no mood to joke around. Every fricking thing has a limit. And he just crossed it. I moved closer to him and glared.

"STOP. LAUGHING." I demanded him, which he ignored conveniently.

"This is the last time Kong. Stop laughing okay?" I think I sounded a bit serious, but he continued laughing challenging me.

I closed the distance between us in one stride and pushed him against the wall. When his back hit the wall, I grabbed his collar and smashed my lips on his. After a few heartbeats, kong pushed me quickly, glaring me in shock and anger.

He shouted angrily.

"Just gave you the taste of your actions. Bitter right?" I mocked and left.

Okay so I seriously don't know what I just did. I wanted to punch him in face, but somehow ended up kissing him. I HATE that guy, like seriously hate, why did I do it..... What are these feelings I get around him?

Everything is just so so confusing. I like to trouble him, but I also like him troubling me. Weird right? This is pretty annoying! What's going onn! The other day when we were playing that game, I unconsciously named kong on that kiss question--

"Hey Arthit what are you doing? Come here!" Pete shouted as soon as he saw me walking towards the forest.

I walked to Pete, giving my mind rest from his thoughts.

After a while all of us went to the breakfast place, where tables and chairs were set. I saw Kong coming to us with Kao, though he never looked at me.

We sat on the same table for the breakfast, where Kong ignored my existence.

"Did something happen between you guys? Why are you not pulling each other's hair today?'' Kao asked looking at me, where I was busy looking Kong who never spared me a glance.

" Yeah I agree--"

Pete was cut off by professor who came to instruct us for today's activity.

Blah blah blah. The bullshit he was talking about, I was paying no attention to it. Should I apologize Kong? No no it wasn't my fault. He started it.

"So you'll go in teams and find the items, whoever gets the most number of things, gets the chicken dinner!"

I heard professor's voice instructing boys about the task. Kong and I are a team, and I guess we're not on talking terms.
Let's see.


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