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"What the hell did you just do!?" Arthit gritted his teeth.

"Ahh- I'm sowwie...... I didn't mean it okay?" I replied in defense.

"Ah fine it's okay." He got up to change.

It's........okay? Is he in his right state of mind? Normally he would punch right in my face saying, "Fuck off" or something.
But it's okay? Definitely something is wrong.

"Umm.... Are you good?" I asked while he got into bathroom to change.

"Yeah of course?" He looked at me last time before going in.

Ok this is definitely weird. Very very weird. And it's not very Arthitly. For him, to react normally, on this? It's pretty abnormal. But shouldn't I celebrate or something? It's good that I'm saved.

I was in the middle of processing things when Arthit came out of the bathroom, half naked. Should I call myself shameless? Because I'm looking, no.....staring at him with my mouth ajar.

His body is milky white, perfect shaped. I 
can now understand why he carries that unbelievably handsome face. His complexion is wayyyyyy better than mine, and his body shape is something people crave for. Not me, obviously.

He stepped towards me, I couldn't make out what exactly he was trynna do.


Before I could really notice the bucket in his hands, he emptied it on me. I was all wet. I didn't know he'd go that far for revenge. I mean a bucket for a bottle!? Damn that's insane. But more than that, I was worried about one thing. Our cabin. Which is a mess now.

"How the fuck are you gonna fucking clean this up?!" I pointed towards the mess he had made.

"What? Why me!? You started it first!" He blamed it on me. This guy seriously!

"What the hell! I even apologized for what I did! Ugh it was an accident!" I shouted.

"So was this! I actually thought if you could grow up a little if I water you.."

Trust me, I was fuming with anger. He is such an insensitive bastard. I can't handle him anymore!

"I'm going to Pete Kao's cabin, find a place for yourself!" I stormed out of the cabin.

He really is a mood destroyer. Just a minute back I was in a position where I was appreciating him for his looks. But now I take it back. I repeat, I. take. it. back.


It's been while now, and I don't know where he is. I didn't see him since this afternoon. Nearly time for the night activity, I hope he attends it. But the question is, where is he? In somebody's cabin?

Well going to Pete Kao's cabin was a bad idea. Like a real bad idea. I should have known. I was extremely bored. But I was intelligent Enough to not disturb them when they were discussing about their anatomy.

I saw Arthit coming from some random guy's cabin. He was a bit short in height, longer than Gun obviously. I may have seen him here and there, but don't know him.

"Hey Kong what's up!" Pete came and stood beside me. Am I dreaming? Where's Kao? How come Pete is beside me?

I looked around, and noticed Kao was talking to the professor.

"Hey Pete." I smiled at him, turning my attention back to the short guy Arthit was with.

"Where are you looking at?" Pete asked curiously.

"I'm wondering who that person is... With Arthit?" I asked him.

"Oh he is Mike! He asked Arthit out a while ago I guess.... He had been crushing on him for months!"

Okay this is something.... Unacceptable?
1. Why would anyone crush on HIM!?
2. Did he say yes?
3. Is he a gay?
4. What is this weird sick feeling in my stomach?

I kept looking at what they were doing.... Sometimes they were laughing on some foolish joke, or maybe teeny weeny touches that were happening. What ever it was, I was a bit, just little bit annoyed. Why? Well maybe because he wasn't even looking at me, compared to the times when we literally eye fighted.

I may be missing troubling him a bit, but it's weird that in not happy with the fact that he is staying away. Am I perhaps jealous?


Where do You Think You're Going? (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now