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"Okay okay quiet people! Next question."

I was still in the process of figuring out if Arthit actually wanna play the game, because he hasn't answered even one question out of 5 till now. That too, were the easiest. I answered 3.

"So then, is there anyone you may want to kill right now, if obviously killing was legal?"

I turned to Arthit in an instant, and found him looking already at me. Guess this question was definitely made for us. When our turn came, we pointed towards each other, making it obviously believable for everyone else.

"Okay next. Ooh this is interesting. If you had to kiss one person in this circle, who would it be?"

Pete kao, made it very obvious for everyone that they are dating. People took different names. When it was my turn, I took Kao's name. You can take your best friend's name in such inescapable situations right? I could bet Pete expressions changed, and I heard some whispers of 'oooh love triangle'.

It was Arthit's turn. Of course he won't answer this question too, it's useless for him to play this game. I can sense--


Wait did I hear my name!? I looked at Arthit, who was staring at me with his intense eyes. Murmurs started again, confusion on everybody's face. Would it be wrong if my heart was fluttering like hell right now? My stupid brain, who is not so good artist, drew flashes of Arthit kissing me. And I could hear my heart's loud rock music.

"But Arthit, don't you hate Kongpob?" Finally the professor managed to ask.

"Ofc I do. But I was wondering, just like in fairy tales, the princess kiss frog and it turns into a handsome prince...." Arthit looked at me, continuing, "can this frog turn into handsome and charming prince?"

I swear I could feel my adrenal gland releasing a lot of anger hormones. How the heck could I allow my heart and brain to respond to his dirty jokes!

I'm warning you brain, don't you dare do this again. And heart? Just do what you're supposed to do. Don't interfere in my life.

After a few sessions of laughter, we continued.

"Okay the last question, has anyone in this circle made your heart flutter, even once?"

Okay this is bad. Arthit just did it. And earlier when we fell. I looked at him, and as usual, found him already looking at me. We took the sip together.

"Alright boys! This activity has ended. It was a lot of fun! But this wasn't just for fun. The person who had taken no sip of the juice, wins the game. And according to your ranking, we'll divide you in your teams of two."

I was shook. If I had known this earlier, I would have performed better. It was damn visible that Arthit was the last one, and maybe I was the second last. Argh I can't handle his presence around me anymore!

"And the last ones..... Kongpob and Arthit! Sadly, you two make a team."

As expected. Arthit irritatedly got up and started heading towards the cabin. Did he in case forget that the dinner is still left? I can expect that from his dumb brain. I'm irritated too, but food will calm me down. I'm not compromising on my food at any cost.

After I had my dinner, I went back to the cabin, where Arthit was lying down on the bed tapping something on phone.

"Aren't you hungry?" I asked hesitantly.

He spared me a glance, before looking back to his phone. Maybe I shouldn't have expected a reply from him.

Just as I was about to leave, he answered, "I ate some snacks I packed in my bag."

I let my lips form an 'o'. I sat on the chair, checking my Instagram feed. After an hour or so of scrolling Instagram , I started feeling sleepy.

"Would you go sit somewhere else, I wanna sleep now."

He ignored me, continuing to do whatever he was doing.

"Hey! I said move? I'm not sleeping in the same bed with YOU." I spat at Arthit.

"So go ahead and sleep on the couch." He pointed towards the very small couch, which won't even fit the half of me.

"Can't you see it's damn small to fit me? And I stepped in this room first, so this bed in mine." I reasoned out.

"Same. I won't fit as well. And I'm sitting on the bed right now, so it's mine." He shrugged.

Argh this is not gonna end any sooner.

Heya! Thank you so much Lonerinbigworld and FoxyQueen22 for your questions! And all the others for voting and reading my story.

Also, I may be updating everyday now. So all those readers who can not make time to read within 24 hours of me updating the story, please make sure you don't skip any chapter. Enjoy!

Peace ✌

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