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Warning: Enter at your own risk, mature content ahead.

Kong's POV

I was lying in bed, naked, staring at nothing. After I asked him to not stop A LOT happened. He attacked me like I was his meal, and we had a heck of a foreplay. My dick felt weird, now I know why my books mentioned the penis testosterone thing. I was so confused about that. I guess it's the reason for the dick to get hard.

Which reminds me, back to me and Arthit, I was pretty sure Arthit was good at all this. But I'm not very sure now. We bumped our heads while he was undressing me. And obviously I snapped at him. 'What the heck did you eat to get this dumb head on you!?' Something like that. And he replied too, saying, 'I don't know yet, let's try and eat you?'.

When we were all undressed, he ducking stared at me for 5 holy minutes! I was damn nervous under his gaze, like he was gonna swallow me whole.

'Can't you make it quicker, I'm embarrassed here!" I snapped at him, to which he responded with a smirk. I gulped as he started travelling my body with his fingers, and hands. And it was soon replaced by his mouth, when I heard a weird voice from my mouth. A moan.

With each passing moan, he intensified whatever he was doing on me. I pressed my lips harder, I really tried to not make that voice again, but he just made me do that anyway. And obviously my stupid heart raced all the fricking time.

I never thought I'd feel so good in my entire life time, but he made me, in just an hour. But all the things went to dustbin when he suddenly sat up, and looked at me with a concerned face.

'I think I forgot to bring condom'

I swear I was 7th level annoyed. Ok it was reasonable, he couldn't have thought he'd be having sex with person he hated, but then why did he have to remember it at this moment!? Why couldn't he remember a little earlier.

And now he is gone to Pete's cabin, to steal a condom. Wow. I never thought I'd be caught in this situation. I'm waiting for him, replaying the scenes in my mind, lying on my bed, naked.

Like seriously how did I end up here? This all will be considered one night stand right? Why am I wanting..... More than that?

I was in the middle of thinking this all when I heard the door open and closed again. I looked up to see Arthit, who quickly came and started undressing again.

"Seriously that was so tough!" He sighed.

"What the dick were you doing that you took so long!?" I asked irritatedly.

"Dude I literally put my life into risk while stealing it! BTW your friend does have a good libido....." Arthit said while undressing.

"What's that bottle in your hand?" I asked him.

"Oh it's the lube. It'd make things easier for you. And difficult for Kao ofcourse. But I'm sure they've done it enough that he can handle it raw." Arthit replied while coming towards me.

"My poor friend!" I sighed as Arthit hovered over me.

"We broke the flow, let's restart..." He whispered in my ear, making the shivers running down my spine.

He started kissing me tentatively on my lips, cupping my cheek one one hand, while claiming my waist from another. The things he does with his hands, just doubles the pleasure I'm getting.

He kissed me down on my neck, I could feel him biting at some places, which instantly made me pull him even closer.
He traced his tongue from my neck to the earlobe, and bit it gently.

"You're so perfect...." He whispered seductively, which made me moan again.

He bit my earlobe again, a bit harder this time, giving it a last kiss before going down to my nipples to assault them. He got up, using only his fingers, tracing circles over one, while the other begging for his attention.

He  suddenly stopped, making me look up in confusion.

"There are so many mosquitos here!" He shrugged casually, making me frustrated to hell.

"So if you're done enjoying the time of mosquitos sucking you, can you get back to work?" I asked with exasperation.

He smirked and his tongue finally came to my nipples, making me squirm in pleasure. I could tell you he is really good at this. Making people want him more and more.

While he molested one of my nipples, biting it gently, almost devouring it, his hand finally paid attention to my other very lonely one, pinching it softly from time to time. After he was done with one, he went to the other making sure not leaving any part untouched.

His mouth went down, exploring each and every inch of my torso, I could feel his warm breath on my skin. It seemed that he was marking me everywhere. Everything was going well, until the time when his fingers travelled down my cock, moving slowly.

That's all you're getting 😂
Peace ✌

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