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I grabbed Kao's hand forcing him to leave Pete's lap and come to talk to me. He really must have forgotten that his beloved friend hates camps, and more than that, he can't bear the friend of his beloved.

"Kao tell me why the hell would you do this to me?" I asked angrily.

"See dude, you know I and Pete are in a relationship. And trust me we want you to get along with Arthit well.. "

"Why does that matter!? Is it affecting your relationship-" I was annoyed. Everything was fine, BEARABLE, until I got the news that my 3 days of freedom is  snatched by my friend.

"Of course it is! You see the tension in the air when all of us are together?" Kao replied irritatedly.

Well that's true. No one can be in peace if  Arthit is near. But what does it have to do with me!? Why am I included in this stupid camp?

"So.... Don't you think I and Arthit should like.... Stay away? From each other?" I was confused by his logic. Why would he keep us together even after knowing the fact that we can't survive in the same world. Like cockroaches.

"So that you people communicate, get to know each other, and get along WELL together, and stop disturbing me and Pete."

Few moments later..

After my mind processed what he really meant, I looked at him seriously.

"See Kao, I get it. I promise that I will never walk in while you're having sex with-"

"KONGGGG!" Kao cut me off, amused by my understanding capacity.

"It's impossible to explain you. Let's get this straight. If you agree to come with me to the camp, I'll ask my father to buy that camera you wanted--"


"Yeah I promise." Kao sighed.

Okay. Good deal. Last time was a guess game. But this time, if I survive the 3 days of camp, there are 100 per cent chances I'll get the camera. I can do it for the camera right? Yes I can.

I quickly headed to the Library,  finally having enough money to issue the book I had been eying for three days. I remember exactly it was kept... Um.... 5th row? I gotta check.

And here it is.

The ultimate art of annoying your enemies.

Arthit's POV

As soon as the joker and Kaw left, I turned to Pete, in anger.

"Do you realise bringing HIM with us is so dangerous?" I asked angrily.

"Huh? Dangerous?" Pete asked curiously.

"For him."

"Ah dude Stop with this childish act! We're tired of you two? Can't you just try to get along together?" Pete asked annoyingly.

"No dude not in ages." I replied.

I mean it's so obvious, Me and him? We're arch enemies atleast for this life.

"Come on dude! It'll be fun. Just imagine if you and Kong get along well, we all can be at peace." Pete tried to explain me. Though I was so not in a mood to listen.

"I'll think about it."

Ah I don't even want to think about it. Why am I stuck in between friendship and enmity? Pete has been with me for years. He is like a brother to me. I was really happy for him when he told me he's gotten into a relationship. Well, until I found out the presence of Kong.

I can't really find words to describe him. He's just... Annoying. Like the first meet, he was so disrespectful! And then it went on and on and on. I tried, to get on good terms with him. Starting with a bro fist?
But maybe that peanut brain doesn't have a brain to think.

But right now, I have to think of a way to survive these three days with this brainless creature.

I surfed the internet, and downloaded something very useful. Yeah a book. This is gonna be fun.

The ultimate art of annoying your enemies part-II.

Heya people! Here's an update! So tell me... Which teams you gonna pick?

Team Arlit🙋
Team Kongy🙋

Peace ✌

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