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It's twelve. No not the chapter name. The time. 12 o'clock. These two hours, we're very difficult for me. After I asked Arthit to move from the bed, there has been a lot of chaos. I decided I won't let him sleep, if he doesn't give me bed.

I sung in my most ugly voice, danced on rock music with full volume, hid the pillows, sat on the blankets, turned off the AC, switched on the lights, even jumped on the bed and yeah, nothing more. But I forgot the most important point here. To keep him awake, I had to sacrifice my sleep too.

But this doesn't mean he didn't do anything. He sang along with me, enjoyed my dance, didn't even bother about the pillows or blanket, turned on the AC, and yeah turned on his phone flash. So basically, he did everything to fail my plan.

But in all this, we both avoided violence, not because we didn't have the urge to kick each other, just because we didn't want any 'mistakes' to happen. You know right, falling on each other bullshit.

After all this we reached a point where we both sat on bed, eye fighting, basically competing who sleeps first. One who did, will go to the couch. And the other one gets the bed.

It's 12. The time. This bastard still didn't sleep. I don't know what time he goes to sleep, but I usually sleep at 10. And for Sherman's sake I NEED to sleep now. My eyes are barely open, and I may fall asleep. But if I let myself sleep now, then I may not sleep for the rest of the night. I can't even imagine myself sleeping on that small couch.

Two hours later.

I swear this is it. I can see now he is on the verge of sleeping as well. We both are at one arm distance, FLOATING in the air due to our sleep. I don't know until when this stupid competition will keep going, but I doubt I'll be able to perform the activities tomorrow.


Early morning. I could feel sunrays on my eyes. However I still don't feel like getting up. The bed is so soft....... And the pillow... Umm is a bit less soft. I'm cuddling my teddy bear.... and--

Wait.... Teddy bear? Wait wait wait..... Bed!? Did I win the competition.......okay this idea of opening my eyes haunts me so damn much, but to confirm my horror suspicion, I had to do it.

So I opened my eyes, to find my head on Arthit's arm, and myself cuddling with him. Unbelievable right? Yeah to me too. Hence I decided to rub my eyes again. But nope. The scene was just as before. Guess we both fell asleep, leaving no strength for any of us to actually move to couch.

Warn me later when I do something this stupid alright??

And I did something more stupid. Guess what, I was thinking this all, lying in his arms. And he, is awake now, looking at me with his big eyes.

"What are you doing here in my arms?"

I could feel his very light breath on my face, our proximity making me..... Weird. Yeah weird. Now if that 'weird' defines the things happening in my stomach. Why though? Why does this happen? Maybe because of the hydrochloric acid my body secretes, because of what I ate--

"Get up, can we? Or you're enjoying here?"

Okay. I, thought this all, lying in his arms, ALL OVER AGAIN. And I felt his irritating breath AGAIN. No more thinking.

I quickly got up mumbling random things to myself.

"So I guess you had a VERY GOOD SLEEP at night." He teased me.

"Obviously not. A normal human being, should sleep at least 9 hours a day. But me? I slept for just 4 hours. And I am definitely not in any sort of mood to tolerate your nonsense. So SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP."

Short update, but cute....


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