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Arthit's POV.
Kong has been acting weird. Way weird. Okay I know earlier it was my fault, I should not have thrown a whole bucket of water on him. But he started it first right? After he went, I felt so guilty about it. I just intended to have some fun with him, which backfired.

I didn't know what to do, when Mike came to me. Mike is a nice guy. I've met him in the college. He is always considerate to me, guess he wants to be my friend. I sticked to him to forget Kong and everything related to him, for a while. Otherwise he pops in my thoughts a lot these days.

At night, we had to come out for the activity. Somehow my eyes we're searching for him, but my mind asked me to not care. I wanted to keep myself distracted, but I couldn't stop looking for him.

When my eyes caught him, he was storming towards me. Angrily. Now what did I do? I hope he's not misunderstanding stuff is he? He's not gonna take revenge from earlier right?

He grabbed my wrist and took me with him. It took me by surprise. What's he upto?

"I just wanted to tell you that I like Hagrid." He said looking down.

Okay is that it? Nothing like 'Come sit with me' stuff?? I guess he again just wanted to mess with me. I went back to Mike, sitting just opposite to Kong distancing myself as much as I can. But my stupid eyes still kept looking at him.

When the game was about to start, I looked at Kong, to find that he was already looking at me. I dared not look away. I am aware of the little stare games we keep playing in between, and anybody who looks away first, loses. I'm not letting that happen to me.

But why is he looking at me so..... Angrily? Maybe he wants me to lose in truth or dare and he would take revenge by giving me punishment. I'd not lose. I can't. Because he can't be trusted. Especially in punishments.

You never know he asks me to jump in the river without life jacket.
I'm not taking chances. Not with him.

The game started. And seriously people gave weirdddd dares and questions.

For example, professor was asked his real age, Gun was asked to kiss Off's neck, Pete was asked to run 55 laps around our circle.

Next time the bottle stopped on Kao, and he was asked to sit on Sun's lap for 5 mins. Well trust me I could see Pete fuming. Kao definitely is gonna workout a lot at night.

Then, the bottle stopped on Mike. He chose dare, and was asked to kiss me. I immediately looked at Kong, who was looking at Mike curiously. Maybe expecting him to pass this? I don't know. Why would Kong do that.....So stupid of me to think that.

Mike came closer to me. I stole a glance at Kong, expecting him tonsay something, but he just stared, with his mouth ajar, in shock probably. He wanted to say something, but he stopped himself. Mike pecked me on my lips shyly.

I felt disgusted. Like really disgusted. But now that I think about it, that little peck with Kong didn't seem that bad. Better than this atleast. I gave Kong an apologetic look, while his intense stare was shooting me.

The game continued. The  bottle landed on me. I chose Truth. I didn't want to get a dare to kiss back Mike or something. The person who was gonna ask me question was Kong. He thought carefully for a while. Finally his lips formed a smirk, and he asked, "What is your nickname? What your parents call you?"

I could swear my ears were red. I could NOT let him know that. Like not in ages. He'd definitely make fun of me and use it in future. I can't let that happen.

"I pass." I said.

"Really?! Is it that important for you to keep it back secret?" Kong questioned.

"Yeah well I guess he has a very ugly nickname. Even I don't know that." Pete told Kong, who was still confused.

Well yeah that's true. Even Pete doesn't know it. I'm just embarrassed to share it with anyone. But I don't know what punishment Kong's gonna give me later.

Next, the bottle stopped in front of Kong. He chose dare. I thought for some cool dares which were difficult to do, but I know Kong very well. He'd do anything to win, except one thing.

"Make out with Jay. "

Kong's eyes widened in shock as he heard my dare to him. I was sure enough he won't do it. He would do anything, but this is something he's a noob at. He........ Won't right?

Everybody started cheering Kong, and he slowly...... Got up!!!?!!??

Frick I need to stop him. I need to stop HIM. If he does that I'll kill him first, then myself. But how do I---

"Okay a little change. Make out with me." I shouted, making Kong immediately glare at me.

Peace guys,

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