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I didn't know. I really didn't know it was his birthday! He never mentioned........ I-..... What do I do nowwww!?

And this is why he was getting all cozy in the morning.... And this is why he wanted to tell others today. Argh I fought with him earlier. I'm a real idiot.

Shouldn't I be preparing for some gifts or something? Should I ask Kao? I should call him.

"Hello?" Kao picked up in one ring.

"What are you upto?" I asked.

"Nothing much? What's the matter?" He sounded a bit concerned.

"I can't...... Think of a gift?" I said hesitantly.

Kao burst out laughing. Bloody idiot.

"Oof Kong just make out with your hubby, that'll be the best gift to him."

I took no longer to hang up the call. I expected this from him. He's a total nutcase! What about Pete? Should I ask him? He's the best friend of Arthti so maybe, he knows.....

"Wasssup Kongy?"

I heard Arthur's voice on the other line. Are they together at the moment? What are they doing?

"Why are you answering Pete's phone?" I groaned.

"Oh I saw your incoming call on his phone, so I picked up. He doesn't mind anyway to give us some quality time together." If he was in front of me right now, he definitely would have winked.

"Just give him the phone." I said irritatedly.

"Why is my boyfriend---"

I hung up. Today is my bad day really. I think I've to do this alone.


4 hours. Fricking 4 hours of my life has passed and I couldn't find a single suitable thing. I was at the gift shop, and the lady who was attending me seemed pissed now.


"I don't know which kind he likes."

"Harry Potter novels?"

"I'm too broke for them."


"He'll use them to beat me."


"No I like his body fragrance."

"Photo frame?"

"His face is annoying."

"Couple T-shirts?"

"No way it's disgusting!"

"What do you want Sir?"

"Whatever you have?"

She let out an exasperated sigh. Her face expressions changed a little? Is she not well? Idk. Her symptoms are weird. Back to Arthit's gift, this is gonna be tough.


Finally I got nothing. Yeah. You read it right. Nothing at all. I'm planning to give him the one and only thing I have right now. My diary. I am not expressive, from the beginning, but somehow I managed to keep a diary whenever I want to express something.

And now that I think about it, since the day I met Arthit, my diary is only filled with the incidents happening between us. That's a good gift right?

Without thinking much, I packed my diary into the gift wrap, and went to Kao's house to pick him up.

We reached Arthit's house, where some of his friends we're already present, Kao hugged Pete and wished Arthit. I moved closer to Arthit and gave him a small smile. Good going Kong!

The party was amazing. Like really amazing. There was everything, booz, cake,snacks. Heck how rich is Arthit??

Now I was starting to feel embarrassed when everybody gave him gifts. Pete gave him a very expensive wrist watch, Kao gifted him a jacket. Heck all the others had dang important and precious gifts. Am I the only weird one here?

I hid my gift behind my back and headed to an empty room. Aish! What in the world I was thinking when I packed this stupid diary!?

Sudden strong pair of hands snatched the diary from me.

"What the-"

I saw Arthit carefully unpacking it.

"I was really starting to think you brought me nothing, Kongy." Arthit said while throwing the gift wrapper away.

"A diary? Oh there's something written in here!" He furrowed his eyebrows and began reading.

"You can read it later--''

" NOW."

That's the only thing he said. And I found my mouth shut. Normally I would snatch it back and punch his face mentally, but today, idk why I can't do it.

I could see his facial expressions changing with each line he read. Heck clouds please eat me alive! This is so embarrassing..... Can I get buried?

I can't stand here and look at his face like a stupid person. I should....... Just run away.

I turned around when a strong grip held my hand. I looked back at him, his brown eyes, with the extremely unordinary face, were looking back at me. I was really really really going to free myself and run, but before that hhappened, he said....

"Where do you think you're going?"

Pretty much the last chapter. In the next chapter I'll upload kong's diary, what he wrote there. So stay until the next, very last chapter.

Where do You Think You're Going? (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now