Part 2

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The next day she returned to her bench, desperately hoping he would be there. She frantically searched the crowd just like she had done the day before, but she never saw him. Her desire to meet him again was quickly dashed. It surprised even her how much she had looked forward to the sight of him. This mysterious man had been on her mind ever since they met. Her chest felt like it had caved in and breathing became a little difficult.

Instead of leaving right away she decided to stay and read; holding out in the hope that he would still show up. She leaned over and grabbed her book out of her bag. When she sat back up the book was no longer in her hand. She had dropped the book, startled. He now sat next to her, as if he had been there the whole time. She had not even noticed his presence.

"I guess I need to work on that."

He smirked at her and picked up the book before she could even comprehend what was going on. She just stared at him, unable to move or speak.

"There's something different about you today."

This statement brought her out of her trance. She gave her head a little shake and took the book back.

"It's your hair. You had it pulled back yesterday."

She hadn't even noticed. It never occurred to her that it would matter. This made her think, and for the first time she looked away from his eyes and was overwhelmed by his exquisite physique. She suddenly blushed and looked away. He was gorgeous, more handsome than anyone, anything, she had ever seen.

"Your beautiful black hair really brings out your blue eyes."

Her cheeks were on fire. She looked away, embarrassed. She couldn't imagine how she could look beautiful compared to his stunning figure. His arms were small but had enough muscle it looked like he could crush her. His face has the best part: gorgeous brown eyes that just drew you in, his hair across between brown and blonde, and a bone structure any model would die for. They were silent, and suddenly she feared he may have left. She quickly turned back to look at him. He was still there, staring at her. She took in a sharp breath to help calm her speeding heart. He smiled at her.

"So, since you never answered my question, it's my turn to ask another one."

He laughed at this. He liked her nervous but feisty attitude.

"Ok, that's fair enough."

"What were you doing here?"

He just looked away and watched the people walking by.

"Were you waiting for someone?"

He smiled at this remembering his same accusation the day before. She was relieved he wasn't angry at this question like he had been with the other one.

"Like most people here, I was just making my way through, when you caught my eye."

She just stared at him in complete disbelief. She felt he might be lying to her but couldn't bring herself to accuse him of it. She was afraid of him becoming upset with her and leaving again.

"So what book is it you are always diligently reading?"

He started to reach for the book again. She beat him to it and showed him the cover.

"Pride and Prejudice; the best book ever written."

He just laughed at this.


She was a little annoyed with this reaction.

"Well, have you read every book ever written?"


"Then how do you know that this is the best book ever written?"

She was very annoyed with this. She knew he understood what she meant but he was enjoying giving her such a hard time. He gave her a little smirk, knowing that he had made his point.

"So why are you here today?"

She felt her cheeks turning red again. She couldn't explain how she couldn't stop thinking about him and came in hopes of seeing him.

"Did you just come to read again?"

He teased. She just looked away.

"Am I bothering you again?"


She jumped at her own outcry. This made her even more embarrassed, but she turned back to look at him. She was afraid he had left. He just sat there staring with a smile on his face.

"I take that as you want me to stay."

She couldn't bring herself to say anything.

"It makes me happy to know that, but what do you wish to do or talk about?"

She was finally able to catch her breath again but her heart continued to race. He smiled at her, as if he could sense this about her.

"Why don't you tell me a little about yourself?"

She was very uncomfortable with this. No matter how delighted she was to be sitting here talking to him; he was still a stranger to her. He could see how his question unsettled her.

"We'll start small. What's your favorite color?"

She smiled and held back a laugh.


"Well we know your favorite book, so what about movie?"

"There are so many amazing movies. How could I pick just one?"

"You can pick just one book and there are many amazing books."

He enjoyed teasing her. He could always tell when she was starting to get upset with him. There was a tiny wrinkle that slowly appeared on her forehead.

"Do you go to school?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"I was just wondering...if you would be here again tomorrow."

It just hit her that it was Sunday and tomorrow she would return to school for her classes. She frowned at this.

"I take that as a yes?"

"Yes, I'm a sophomore at the University."

She suddenly grimaced; afraid she was giving out too much information. The group at the table across the room let out a huge roar of laughter and she looked over to see what was so funny.

"Till next time..."

She felt her hair fall back on to her shoulder. She knew he had whispered into her ear this time. She quickly turned, once again expecting his face to be only inches from hers, but he was gone.

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