Part 34

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Addison ran like the wind. Her senses were at 100%. Addison wasn’t the biggest fan of hunting but at this moment it was the only thing she could think of doing. She knew the guys had just been out hunting recently and didn’t want to hunt in the same area. So she kept running traveling much farther than usual. That’s when her senses spiked and she knew something was following her. She racked her brain searching for a solution but only fear and confusion filled her mind. She hesitated for a moment, trying to clear her mind. That’s when it hit her. Literally, throwing her into the tree next to her. He pinned her to the tree. She held back a scream and tried to free her wrists from his strong grip. When she finally was able to see her captor he was grinning from ear to ear. 

    “What the hell!?!?”

    “I’m sorry did I scare you?”

    Andrew couldn’t help but tease her or stop smiling at the fact that he was fast enough now to catch her. 

    “Let me go! Why are you here?”

    “Did you so easily forget that I AM a vampire hunter? I kill creatures like you daily.”

    Addison’s head was still spinning from hitting the tree but she was so furious that she continued to fight against his grip. 

    “If you stopped squirming so much it wouldn’t hurt so bad, and the sad thing is you thought that you could kill me!”

    Addison glared at him. They locked eyes and all of Addison’s anger seemed to slip away. There was something in his look that caught her off guard. For a brief moment she stopped fighting his hold on her. The sudden silence and lack of movement caught Andrew off guard. He didn’t like that he no longer scared her. 

    “I never would have guessed you to be so weak.”

    Andrew’s teasing brought Addison back to earth. She wasn’t happy with his teasing and returned the sentiment. 

    “Who’s to say my way of killing you is so physical?”

    Andrew was taken back and looked at her curious.

    “Well everyone knows the one person I despise the most is the one person you love the most.”

    Andrew instantly knew where she was going with this. 

    “If you ever harmed Winnie I’d kill you in an instant.”

    Addison saw the fury in his eyes and knew what he said was true. She shivered under his glare. 

    “I’m sorry.”

    Andrew was so shocked by her reaction he loosened his grip on her wrists, but Addison no longer fought to be free from his hands.  He studied her face looking for some explanation. She quickly became uncomfortable under his stare. 

    “We better return. I’m sure everyone is terrified by your absence.”

    Andrew let out a little laugh and finally released his hold on Addison. 

    “Like any of them really care if I’m there or not. Well besides Winnie. Wait, terrified?”

    “Yes! You still don’t see yourself as one of us. No matter what you wish to believe you are a new vampire and that makes you dangerous.”

    Andrew thought about this for a moment and knew what she said was true. 

    “Then we better hurry we wouldn’t want them to worry.”

    Andrew gave a little smirk. Addison took off.

    “Beat you there…”

    Andrew barely heard her challenge or the soft laugh that followed it. He smiled and without thinking of the absurdness of the challenge and the challenger herself took off after her. When they reached the edge of the woods across the street from the house Addison stopped. 

    “Wait! How do we explain your leaving?”

    “Why do I have to explain anything.”

    “If they found out that you were hunting me who knows what will happen to you.”

    Andrew didn’t like the smile Addison gave when she said that last part. 

    “I’ve been good so far.”



    “Conner knows about what happened in the study and he is very protective of me. If he found out he’d kill you.”

    Andrew just stared out towards the house. Then he looked down at Addison.

    “Why are you telling me this. I would think, out of all of them, you would like that out come.”

    She couldn’t look up at him. She could feel the blush that no longer appeared on her cheeks. Then she smiled.

    “Isn’t it obvious?”

    She finally looked up at his face and smiled.

    “I want the joy of killing you myself.”

    Andrew threw back his head and laughed. 

    “Alright then. What’s the story then?”

    “Just follow my lead.”

    She grabbed his hand and ran out of the woods and up to the house. Before they could even reach the front porch the whole family was standing in front of them. Marcus of course at the head of the group looked at them.

    “Where have you been?”

    “Well I went out for a run, thought about doing some hunting but since the guys just hunted I figured against it. Then as I was returning to the house I caught Andrew’s scent. At first I was confused but without thought went after him. He was just wondering around the woods when I found him. He promised he wasn’t running away but I grabbed him and brought him back anyways.”

    Everyone quickly excepted the story, calmed down, and returned to the house. Winnie ran into Andrew’s arms and hugged him but not before Conner could notice that Addison held Andrew’s hand rather than gripped his arm. When he made eye contact with her she knew he saw through her. She did not shy away from him, instead she raised her chin. Addison walked right past him and went straight to her room. Conner was right behind her. He shut the door and locked it behind him. 

    “Now tell me what really happened!”

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