Part 5

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When Winnie woke up in the morning she was exhausted; she had spent the whole night tossing and turning. She was so tired that she fell asleep in two of her classes. Going against the desire to go home and sleep, she went to meet Reed. When she caught the first sight of him she felt a surge of energy rush through her.

"Well there's the face I've been looking for."

She blushed and gave him a big smile, like here I am! She felt his eyes look her once over.


He smirked.

"Nothing, I'm just admiring the view."

They laughed. He stood up and they started out.

"What would you like to do today? Walk again maybe?"

"No, I'm hungry! How about we get something to eat?"

"Your wish is my command."

She laughed at him and they made their way to a quiet, little restaurant a few blocks away.

"Reed! Back so soon?"

Winnie looked over to see the hostess was the one greeting him. She was stunning, tall and slender, and she had long beautiful blonde hair. Her skin was flawless. In no time at all she was standing in front of them. Reed just gave her a smirk.

"Just lead us to the booth in the back."

Then she looked at me, like it was the first time she noticed I was there.

"And who is this?"

He just stared at her, not saying a word.

"Fine. Follow me, I'll show you to your table."

So they followed her. Winnie was confused by everything and had many questions running through her brain. Who was this girl? How did they know each other? "Back so soon?" what did she mean by that? Did he come here a lot? Did he bring a lot of girls here? She's gorgeous and they obviously had a connection...why wasn't he with her then? Why is he with me?

They were sitting down and the hostess was asking them what they wanted. It was at this moment, looking at the menu, she realized she hadn't eaten all day and was truly starving. When she looked up to give her order she saw Reed and the hostess staring at each other.

"I would like a Caesar salad and today's chief special."

Winnie's harsh ton instantly pulled them out of their trance. The hostess smiled and took down the order. Then she turned back to Reed.

"I'll have the usual."

The hostess smiled, like it was an inside joke, and picked up the menus. Winnie thought to herself: so he does come here a lot. The hostess turned to leave.

"Thanks Love!"

The hostess turned back and smiled at Reed, and Winnie could have sworn she saw him wink at her. Winnie was not happy with this. Reed was now looking back at her and noticed her change in mood.

"Is something wrong?"

She glared at him and didn't reply.

"Are you feeling well? I noticed the dark circles under your eyes earlier."

She was blank for a minute. She didn't know what to say. Was he completely ignorant of the fact that he was just flirting with the hostess, the very attractive hostess, right in front of her? Then she saw the worry in his eyes.

"I'm just tried. I haven't been sleeping well. What about you? I notice your eyes are dark too."

The hostess returned at this time and placed a salad in front of Winnie. Winnie looked up at her and scolded her for interrupting them. She just smiled back and gave Reed a smile before leaving. Winnie looked over at Reed and realized his eyes had never left her face and he had his usual smirk on his face.


She hated that he was enjoying himself. That he was laughing inside at her.

"Nothing. What's the matter with you?"

"What? Nothing!"

He laughed at her response.

"Do you have a problem with her?"

He tilted his head in the direction of the entrance. She just glared at him for this. He just continued to smile at her.

"Are you jealous of her?"

She narrowed her eyes. He just chuckled at her reaction.

"Don't laugh at me! What do you expect? I mean look at her, she's gorgeous."

Reed looked over at her and then back at Winnie.

"I guess so."

"You guess so? I'm nothing compared to her!"

Winnie was surprised she had just admitted that aloud. Reed just sat there with a smile still on his face.

"Maybe to someone else that might be true, but I think you are stunning. I'd take you over her any day."

She felt her cheeks start to blush but she was still upset.

"So did you two date?"

"What? No!"

"Well, you seem to know each other very well and you called her love."

Reed broke out into laughter. She glared at him scolding him with her eyes. She hated being teased like this. When he saw how angry she was he calmed himself down.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to laugh at you it's just, I called her Love because that's her name. Well actually it's Lovell but she just goes by Love."

She could feel the blush growing darker.

"We know each other so well because she's my sister."


She was completely taken back with this new information. This is when she realized she didn't know anything about Reed. She'd never even thought about him having other friends or even family. She didn't say a word. It was during this silence that Love returned with her food. Her face was glowing and she gave Winnie a little wink as she turned to leave.

"Wait, where's your food?"

"I'm not hungry."

"I thought you ordered 'the usual?'"

She was just happy the crazy awkwardness was over with. She still felt bad for jumping to conclusions. She finished eating and after Reed said good bye to Love they left. She followed him back the way they came.

When they turned a corner she spotted the black car that had been parked in front of her house the night before. He opened the passenger side door and let her in. He quickly made his way around the car and into the driver's seat. They pulled out and took off down the road. The silence and slight hum of the car made Winnie remember just how exhausted she was. She laid her head back, looking over at Reed as he drove, and finally dozed off.

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