Part 33

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Reed came out on the back porch. Winnie looked up at him and smiled but Andrew acted as if no one was there. Anger started to fill him and his chest grew heavy. He stood up and flew into the house. Winnie’s smile faded. All hope that he was finally coming around were crushed. Reed swept her up in his arms and held her. 

    “I just don’t understand. I thought he was excepting everything better.”

    “Winifred, you must understand what he has been through and is still going through.”

    “I know but… he only acts that way around you anymore.”

    Reed hugged her tighter. He couldn’t reply back because he too could not stand the fact that Andrew was here, but it made Winnie happy so he kept it to himself. 

    Andrew didn’t feel like going back up to the small bedroom that he was given. So he started walking around the down stairs. Looking at the pictures and exploring all the different rooms. The living room was full of people so he kept his distance from there and instead went to look at the quieter rooms. The first door he tried was locked so he tried the next one, also expecting it to be locked. It wasn’t, so he stepped into the lightly lit study. He gazed at a few of the books and walked over to the window and gazed out. He liked this room it was quiet but not as small and empty as the bedroom upstairs. Plus the view of the front was a lot better too. He looked across the street at the woods and envisioned himself running off into them, never to return. That’s when he was startled by a sound behind him. He flew around, a little faster than he had imagined. 

    “I’m sorry I didn’t know you were in here.”

    “It’s ok. I was just leaving.”

    Addison continued towards the door. 

    “No please stay. You were here first… wait were you sitting there the whole time?”

    “Umm… I was reading when you came in. I wanted to finish and then I was going to leave without you noticing but I guess I failed at that.”

    Andrew stepped a little closer so he could see her better. Addison moved backwards, closer to the door, when he did. Andrew noticed and stopped. 

    “I’ll leave. Please stay where you were, finish your reading. I didn’t know anyone was in here. I’m sorry.”
    Andrew started towards the door and Addison flew across the room. Andrew froze. 

    “Are you afraid of me?”

    Addison didn’t respond. 

    “Well I guess I can understand why. I mean I have killed plenty of your kind.”

    Andrew gave a little smirk. He liked feeling he had power over someone again. Addison on the other hand didn’t like how smug he was acting. 

    “I’m not afraid of you!”

    “That’s why you flee every time I move towards you.”

    As he said this he moved closer to her and again she stepped back. He gave her a smirk. 

    “It’s not because you are… were a hunter.”

    “If you say so.”

    “It’s because you almost killed Reed.”

    “So you’re afraid I’ll try and kill you next?”

    “Well I wouldn’t put it past you.”

    Addison straightened up and raised her head. Trying to act like she wasn’t terrified of him. 

    “But I think I could take you. I mean my brother nearly killed you.”

    Andrew was taken back by this. 


    “Yeah brother. Conner, the one who attacked you, is my brother. My twin brother in fact. So if he could kill you I’m sure I could.”

    “Well I was a little busy killing Reed when your brother attacked me. So I doubt you would have the same luck that he did.”

    Addison was becoming angrier the more he spoke. She hated how self-righteous and cocky he was. She sighed and hurried past him and left the room. 

    “Has anyone seen Andrew lately?”

    “He is in the study!” 

    Addison responded as she passed by everyone sitting in the living room. She went straight to her room. A few seconds later Conner entered the bedroom.

    “What’s up?”


    “Something is wrong I could tell by the way you flew through the living room.”

    “Conner, really there is nothing wrong. Well except that my reading was rudely interrupted.”

    “Oh, I see. I was wondering how you knew where Andrew was.” 

    He looked at his sisters face and saw the anger. 

    “No I can tell there is more. Did he say something?”

    Addison didn’t say anything just stared out the window. Conner turned towards the door.

    “I’ll inform Marcus right away.”

    “No, Conner don’t!”

    He turned back to face his sister, confused.

    “It’s just…I don’t want him to think he got to me, and that I went and told on him like some little baby.”

    Conner understood and nodded. 

    “I’ll just return downstairs. Don’t worry, I won’t say a word, but if it happens again there is no doubt he will be punished.”

    “Thank you!”

    After Conner left Addison found herself not happy about being alone. She wished she had someone to visit with and talk to. This was new too. She had always loved to be alone. The silence gave her time to think and read. Plus even though she was apart of a uncommonly large family she never really was close to anyone besides Conner. Lately in his absence she found the silence very saddening. She flew open the window and threw herself out, landing gracefully on the ground. Then she took off. She ran across the front lawn and into the woods. 

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