One Big (un)Happy Family Part 29

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There was a knock on the door. Grace slowly opened the door.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but Conner just woke up and Marcus wants to speak to Winnie."

Without a word or even a look back Winnie walked out of the room and down stairs.

"Reed are you able to get up? I figured you would want to see Conner."

"Yes I'm fine thanks."

Reed got up and put a clean shirt on before heading down the hall to Conner's room. On his way there he stopped a minute and looked through the door at their newest house guest. He hated him with his whole being. When Love noticed him at the door she got up and closed it.

"Winnie! Thank you for coming down to talk to me. I know you want to get up to see Conner as much as everyone else...well maybe not."

Winnie hung her head, ashamed and conflicted.

"I wanted to ask you something."

"Anything. What is it?"

"The boys might seem fine, but in truth, they are still very week. Reed lost a lot of blood and Conner has a broken arm and a few ribs."

"Oh I'm so sorry."

"It's ok I understand. It was a gift and I'll only take it if you agree to it..."

"What? What is it?"

"The blood in the cooler. I know Reed got it for you but since you've already fed on Andrew...and Reed and Conner severely need it to heal... I wouldn't ask if there was another way."

"Marcus please take it. Use it all if you need to."

"Thank you!"

Marcus vanished into the kitchen and Winnie just stood there. She didn't know where to go. Should she go visit Conner? Or should she keep her distance and go sit with Andrew. A part of her wanted to go see Conner but she knew it was no longer her place. She had been the one to cause his injuries, she was the last person he would want to see. She entered Andrew's room and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Love you can go visit with Conner. I know you want to."

"Thanks, do you need anything?"

"No thanks."

Winnie laid down next to Andrew and held his hand. As she relaxed and tried to forget her eventful night she could hear the cheers and laughter from the room down the hall. Exhausted from everything she had been through Winnie closed her eyes and fell asleep. Winnie spent the next two days in his room. She rarely left his side for more than two minutes. No one hardly ever disturbed her solitude. Reed would come in to say good night and give her a kiss and Love or May would ask her if she needed anything. Only once did she ask for something and within moments Marcus was setting up a tube to feed Andrew some of the blood from the cooler. They all agreed this might help speed up his transformation and they were right. On the second day Winnie was woken up by Andrew starting to toss and mumble.


Winnie couldn't believe it; she was really able to save him. She had started to doubt herself.

"Oh my God! Andrew!"


"Yes it's me."

"Where am I? Am I in the hospital? What are you doing here?"

"You are going to be ok."

"Ok? Last thing I remember is being stabbed. I thought I was dead."

"It's ok I saved you."

"What do you mean you didn't!"

"Andrew don't get upset..."


Everyone was woken up by Andrew's yelling. Reed raced to the bedroom.

"You were dying. I had to save you."

"So you BIT me?"

"Andrew calm down!"

Reed tried to get in between Winnie and Andrew. Marcus and Gabe were standing in the doorway now. Tears started rolling down Winnie's face.
"Andrew please, Winifred was only trying to help. Trust me I hate this more than you do but we can't change what has happened."

"I don't want to hear anything more from you! If it weren't for you killing my sister none of this would have happened."

"But he didn't kill me! I'm right here!"

"It's not the same and you know it."

"Enough you three! It's late and we all need our rest especially Reed and Andrew. You've been through enough. We will wait and talk about this in the morning. Reed!"

Reed didn't move a step away from Winnie.

"Reed go I'll be ok."

"No! I want to be alone. Even you Winnie."

Winnie felt sick to her stomach and also a little angry. She took Reed's hand and they all left the room.

"Now you two go to bed too. Gabe and I will keep an eye on Andrew and make sure he doesn't try to take off or something."

They both agreed and headed to the bedroom.

"I don't understand why is he acting like this? Shouldn't he be happy and thankful that he isn't dead."

"Winifred, you don't understand. Andrew wasn't just your brother, he was a hunter. He has spent years of his life dedicated to hunting our kind. He thinks of vampires like the scum of the earth. And now he wakes up to find he has been turned into the one thing in the world he hates and fears the most."

Reed wrapped his arms around her as they laid in bed.

"I've missed this."


"Having you in my arms!"

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