Part 13

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Why are we here?" Addison complained.

Addison and Conner were inside starting to unpack. Conner just glared at her.

"Just deal with it and you know why Marcus picked us."

"Yes, and I wonder where he got such an idea."

Conner just smiled at her and went upstairs to unpack his bags. Addison was still sorting through things in the kitchen. Reed and Winnie walked in the front door and she watched as Winnie looked around. She sighed in disgust; Reed flashed an evil look at her. She gave him a fake smile and exited to her bedroom. Reed looked back and watched Winnie wander through the house.

"It's beautiful!"

"Yeah, May and Grace decorated it."

She was now looking at Reed as they were talking. She noticed something in his expression that surprised her.

"You miss them don't you?"

"It's not just that..."

Reed didn't finish. He didn't know what to say or how to explain it. Winnie was very curious to why they had come here. It was a beautiful place but it was new and not home.

"Why are we here?"

"I already told you."

"I know, because of me, but why? Did all of you come here your first time?"

Reed looked away from her gaze.
"No...we never left home."

"So why me? If you never had to leave, why did we?"

Reed didn't want to get into all this right now so he grabbed up their bags and headed up stairs to their bedrooms. Winnie was furious he had not answered her. She pouted as she followed him to her room. When Reed finally looked at her he pleaded with his eyes for her to drop it. He left her sitting on her bed and he went to put his things in his room. Winnie looked around her room. It was small and plain. There was a small table and a little bookshelf; both were empty. The room was dark, even with the one lamp turned on. She walked over to the window and opened the curtains. Much to her dismay the sun was gone, hidden by huge rain clouds. She sighed in disappointment. She knew the sun would hurt her but missed it just the same. She could feel she was being watched from the doorway. She was annoyed at this and responded with attitude.


"Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you."

She spun around real fast. She was startled to find it was Conner and not Reed. He just stood there smiling.

"I'm so sorry I thought..."

"It's ok. I finished unpacking and was wondering if you needed or wanted anything."

He walked in the room and was now standing next to her. He looked out the window at the sky.

"Looks like it's going to pour on us. Good thing we got here when we did."

He smiled and left. She just stared after him. Then Reed appeared in the doorway. She could see the torture in his face. She hated fighting with him but she couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry Winifred. You'll understand in time. I just don't want to put too much on you all at once."

As he continued to apologize Winnie gave in and moved closer to him. She didn't say anything just placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him. She waited for her heart to start racing and her head to spin but she remembered her heartbeat was gone. She wasn't able to pull herself away though. His lips, cold as ice, no longer affected her, but Reed noticed the wonderful warmth of her touch was fading. Because of this he pulled away and looked at her. She was much paler than he had noticed before, making her eyes seem even darker. He no longer heard the perfect rhythm of her pulse. He grieved to see the girl he once knew was changing into something completely different...and all because of him. She just smiled, she could feel his eyes tracing over her. When he saw her smile it warmed his cold heart. He sighed and took in a deep breath. He smiled; her looks might have changed but she still had the same sweet scent.

"Well I have to go to the store, to get some things, is there anything you want or need?"

She thought about it for a second and couldn't think of anything. All she could think about was the fact that he was leaving her. She was suddenly conscience of how scared she was. Reed noticed her change in emotion and asked what was wrong.

"Can I go with you?"

She pleaded with her eyes. He understood.

"Winifred, it will be ok. I won't be gone long and Conner and Addison will be here. Plus you're not in a state to go out among other people right now."

She knew he was right and didn't say anything else. Right before he left though she thought of something he could get her.

"Could you get me some books? No one brought any and the bookcase is bare."

Reed gave a little laugh and nodded; then he was gone. Winnie finished unpacking and then went to see more of the house. Reed's room was across the hall. It looked nothing like hers. His was painted and decorated and had carpet instead of hardwood floors like the rest of the house. She continued down the hall and the next two doors were locked. She figured they must belong to one of Reed's brothers and sisters. Then the hall opened to the staircase and across from it a huge master suit. This must be Marcus and May's room. Once she passed the staircase she found the hallway to be just like the other side with four bedroom doors. She went downstairs and walked through the living room again. This one was not as nice as the other house. There were not as many pictures and the curtains were not as fancy. There was a small room off to the side but the door was locked. So she went into the kitchen and she thought to herself how useless this room must be.

The house was quiet, too quiet for her taste. There were no cars outside or children racing down the street. Winnie looked out the window and watched the rain pour down. She watched as the drive seemed to sparkle when the rain hit it and splashed back up. Her chest felt heavy and hundreds of emotions washed through her.

She leaned her head against the window and listened to the rain. She closed her eyes and let a tear slide down her cheek. Again she felt like she was being watched. She looked around the room expecting to find Conner or Addison or even better Reed standing there, but none of them stood in front of her. She figured it was Addison messing with her, but didn't understand why. So she laid her head back down.

"I'll kill him for doing this to you!"

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