Part 14

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Winnie jumped up and was breathing heavily. She found she was no longer alone, Reed was sitting next to her.

"It's alright, it was only a dream."

He pulled her into his arms and held her. She calmed down but in her mind she was fighting with herself. It had seemed so real.

"Hey what's up?"

Conner walked into the room with a curious and a little surprised look on his face.

"When'd you get home?"

"I just arrived. It's okay Winifred just had a bad dream."

Conner took a look at her and then walked back out of the room.


Winnie sat back up on her own and Reed pulled something out of a bag by his feet. Then placed it in her lap. Winnie's eyes grew wide and she lit up with extreme happiness.

"It's the complete collection of Jane Austen."

Reed explained. Winnie just sat there speechless. She had never been given such a wonderful gift. She had gotten many gifts and some were very expensive but nothing meant as much as this one did. She leaned over and kissed him, fighting back tears. Tears of joy and sorrow. She had always wanted the full collection but it reminded her of her small collection she had started back at home. The memories of fighting her mother to go to the book store and then spending hours and leaving with only one book. Memories of family trips to the beach, reading in the warm sun, while her brother came up behind her, dumping sand on her. She kissed Reed harder, trying to ease the pain away.

The rest of the day was a slow quiet day. Addison spent most of her night alone in her room. Conner spent most of his night laying on the couch watching TV. Reed and Winnie did a little bit of everything. Reading, watching TV, deep conversations; Reed knew so little of Winnie from before he had met her. As day fell upon them the rain became worse. Winnie laid in bed listening to the thunder drawing closer. She covered her face with the covers. She was terrified of storms. She never understood why she was so afraid of them. The storm was now close enough she could feel the vibrations of the thunder. She couldn't sleep. The lighting now flashed shadows across her room. She felt silly, she felt like a two year old, but this didn't stop her from getting out of bed and wandering across the hall to Reed's room. She knocked lightly and then whispered his name. After a few seconds of no response, she knocked again. She knew he would hear her, so she turned the door knob and walked in, but he wasn't there. His bed was made and the room was empty.

She walked out of the room, checked for him in her room, even though she knew he wasn't in there. She continued down the hall, searching. Conner and Addison heard her walking around but just stayed in bed. Too afraid to venture down stairs she just went back to bed. Once the storm had passed she was finally able to dose off and dream.

She was little and young, riding her new bike down the road. She remembered this from her childhood. She peddled faster and faster. From the front yard her brother yells for her to turn back around. She looks backwards at him, tipping her bike over. She falls to the ground scrapping up her hands and knees. Instead of Andrew running down the street and helping her up, dark shadowy figures surrounded her and started attacking her. She swung her arms and kicked her legs and screamed for Andrew's help.

"I'll kill him for doing this to you!"

When her bedroom door slammed open she realize it had all been a dream.

"Winnie it's alright! Calm down!"
She was all tangled up in the sheets but tried to get out.

"Reed! I..."

She looked at Conner standing next to her bed.

"Reed stepped out for a bit, but should be back soon."

As he said this Reed rushed into the room and sat down beside her.

"I heard you screaming and I ran home as fast as I could. Winifred what's wrong?"

He kissed her on the forehead as he pulled her close and held her. He looked at Conner and with his eyes thanked him; Conner left the room. After a few minutes of silent comfort Winnie leaned back and looked Reed in the eyes.

"Where were you?"

"It doesn't matter. Are you okay? Was it another dream?"

"Yes...but it seemed so real. I was so scared!"

Tears started to stream down her face and she buried her face into his shoulder.

"I was five and...and Andrew...why didn't he save me...he was supposed to save me!"

Her body quivered and heaved for air as her mind tried to untangle the dream. He just held her and took in every word but didn't respond.

"Reed, I recognize the voice now."

Reed held her out so he could see her face.

"What voice?"

"The one from yesterday, from my dream that awoke me when I fell asleep by the window. I heard it again in my dream tonight. It's Andrew's voice!"

Reed just stared at her, then grinned, and laid her back down on the bed.

"Rest, it looks like you could use some more sleep."

"Lay with me!"

Reed nodded and laid down next to her. Laying on his side he wrapped his arms around her and watched as she drifted off. When she woke up the sun was at nowhere to be seen and the moon was high in the sky. She was starting to get use to the night. She turned over, he was gone. After weeks of having him constantly disappearing on her she wasn't surprised. She got dressed, grabbed a book, and made her way out to the hall.

"Good Morning!"

"Good Morning! Where's Reed?"

"I don't know he was out before I got up. You weren't the only one kept up all day because of your nightmare. I could hear you tossing and turning and yelling from my room."

Winnie felt terrible.

"I'm so sorry! It was the storm. I'm scared to death of them. Then when I finally fell asleep...the dream."

"So who's Andrew?"

"He my brother."

She wiped the tears away before they had a chance to run down. She tried to laugh it off.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize!"

Conner reached up and lightly brushing her cheek, wiping away another tear drop.

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