Part 44

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The strings began to play. Winnie smiled up at her brother and he kissed her check before taking her arm and turning towards the doors. Quietly he whispered to her.

    “I thought you had run off.”

    “I found my way back.”

    The doors slowly opened and Winnie’s chest suddenly felt heavy and tears threatened to ruin her makeup. In front of her was her new family. Each and everyone of them looking at her with awe and love in their eyes. But once she locked eyes with Reed she didn’t see anyone else. She gracefully walked down the aisle with the steady support of Andrew at her side. The only true flesh and blood family she had left to share this with. When they reached the end of the aisle she finally looked away from Reed to face her brother and hug him. She turned and Reed was there to take her hand. When she looked at his face, full of pure happiness, she suddenly forgot to breath. Reed smiled at her and was speechless at the sight of Winnie. Her dress hugged her body like it was made especially for her. It was the look on her face, though, that filled him with joy. Reed hadn’t seen Winnie so happy since he first met her and they shared their first kiss. They both took a deep breath and turned to say their vows as husband and wife. 


    “I can’t believe my baby sister just left on her honeymoon…”

    Gabe gave Andrew a slap on the back and laughed at him. 

    “Just don’t think too much about it. Try and keep yourself busy.”

    “Uhhh…Thanks Gabe.”

    Andrew was a little taken back by Gabe’s friendly words. 

    “Once, a long time ago, I had a little sister. I know what it feels like to know she’s not so little anymore and you have to allow someone else to take care of her.”


    Gabe walked off to find Grace. Andrew stood in the drive staring off the direction Winnie and Reed drove off. Addison walked over and took his hand. He turned to look at her and smiled.

    “The ceremony was beautiful. I might add you are looking very handsome in that tux.”

    “And you look heavenly in that dress.”

    “Better than Love and Grace?”

    Andrew let out a little laugh as she looked up at him with a pout on her face. 

    “Yes…I’d have to say I’m a little bias but I would have to say you were very close to stealing the spotlight from Winnie in that thing.”

    Addison smiled from ear to ear.

    “Now I wouldn’t want to do that to poor Winnie, not on her special day.”

    They both laughed as they followed everyone else back inside. 

    “Reed I can’t believe it! We are married! I never thought this day would ever come and so soon. I’m overjoyed to be called your wife!”

    Reed could hardly keep his eyes on the road as they made their way to the airport. He had never been so happy. After so many years of being alone his heart was full of love and life all because of the beautiful creature sitting next to him who honored him by becoming his bride. 

Reed & Winifred (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now