Part 53

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Addison didn’t like secrets and hated the fact she could tell Andrew was lying to her. She didn’t know if she was more hurt or angry with him. But she kept it to herself while the four of them drove down the road. She also hated that she sat in the back with Conner, while Cara sat up front with Andrew. 

    “Leave it to Landon to drive half way across the state and need rescued when that stupid Mustang finally gives out on him.”

    “I agree with Conner. I just met Landon but this wasn’t a great idea.”

    Conner’s cell started ringing. 

    “Hey Landon what’s up? We are on our way. Yeah we have a car full…the girls didn’t want to stay behind at the house. Andrew is driving…yeah sure.”

    Conner handed the cell to Andrew. 

    “Hey man. Yeah we will be there in a couple minutes. Do what? Fine but you owe me one.”

    Andrew hung up and handed the cell back to Conner. 

    “What was that about?” Addison asked.

    “ Landon has to make a stop after we pick him up.”

    They spent the rest of the trip quiet, listening to the radio. They found Landon sitting on the trunk of his car waiting. Landon squeezed into the back, pushing Addison into the middle seat. This annoyed her even more. 

    “So where we headed?” 

    “It’s just up the road about a mile. Just take a right and I’ll let you know when to turn.”

    Addison hoped the awkward silence would be alleviated when Landon joined them. She was sadly mistaken. Landon also was quiet and that was not like him. She elbowed Conner but he didn’t seem to notice or care. He just rolled his eyes at her. 

    “Ok turn here. This is the place. I’ll be just a minute.”

    As Landon started to get out Cara yelled at him.

    “Hey! Do you think we can come in a use the restroom. I’ve been in the car all morning and need to go.”

    “Same here!” Conner agreed. 

    “Sure I don’t see why not come on in.”

    Andrew parked the car and everyone got out. Addison would have rather taken the moment to spend some alone time with Andrew but he had to go inside as well. So they all followed Landon inside. What looked like a warehouse transformed into a store front turned out to be one large space. As they walked in there was a roar of cheers and clapping. 


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