Part 12

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After taking Winnie up stairs Reed went to talk to May and Marcus about what was to be done. He knew how fragile Winnie was and was afraid she wouldn't be able to handle the changes that were happening to her. He walked into the kitchen and they knew right away something was wrong. They didn't know what the problem was this time because they had zoned Reed and Winnie's conversation out so they wouldn't be eavesdropping. May quickly took his side and asked what was wrong.

"It's Winifred."

May looked at Marcus, it seemed she was their topic of choice too.

"What happened? She seemed fine earlier."

He looked up and locked eyes with Marcus. He spoke so softly it was as if he hadn't said a word. Marcus' eyes grew wide and May gasped and put her hand over her mouth.

"It's too soon!"

Marcus looked out the window and then back at Reed.

"You know she can't stay here right?"

"Yes I know."

Reed felt like his chest was going to explode and he wanted to just crumble in tears for her, but he stood his ground and suppressed all these emotions. May on the other hand was becoming hostile with anxiety.

"Where is she to go? What are we going to do?"

"Well she can't stay here, Reed will take her to the cottage."

"Why just the two of them? Why not all of us?"

"Because if we all just up and left it would look odd and be suspicions."

"This being her first time and all, Reed can't handle her all on his own."

"Yes I can! I would never let anything happen to her."

"Yes Reed we know that, but May is right, you can't handle her all on your own."

With no time at all they could hear everyone in the house volunteering to help in whatever way they could. Reed was a little irritated for the fact that everyone was listening to their conversation but also happy and relieved they were willing to help. Marcus looked out the window in deep thought and then turned back to Reed.

"You will take Conner and Addison. They are the youngest and will be more helpful and understanding. I was just going to send Conner but I think Winnie would feel more comfortable with another girl there."

"Oh but they have classes they will miss."

"May I think after the loss of a brother and friend the school will allow them to take a week or so off and if not then it's not like it will matter much to Conner and Addison."

May gave a look to Marcus saying I don't know about that, because everyone knew how much Addison liked school and her books.

"It sounds great, we'll start packing now and be off as soon as possible."

Reed went upstairs and found Love standing in her bedroom doorway. She held out her arms to hug him good bye.

"Everything will be ok!"

"You didn't see her eyes, so dark and blood shot. She's not ready!"

With this statement he finally broke and Love hugged him while he cried for a second or two before gathering himself up again.

"I promise everything will be ok!"

After saying their goodbyes Reed went to pack for him and Winnie. When he was finished he went to check on Winnie. She was still sleeping so he didn't bother her. So he went to see if Conner and Addison were ready to go. When he knocked on their door Conner answered it right away.

"So are you two ready to go?"

"Well I am but...well Addison isn't."

Reed pushed the door open farther and saw Addison sitting on her bed staring out the window.

"Addison are you ready to go!"

"I'm not going!"

"Addison get your stuff together we are leaving in 15 minutes."

Reed was furious with her and about to get physical when May entered the room.

"Reed, Conner leave us. Start putting everything in the car. I will talk to her."

He took a deep breath and left the room with Conner right behind him. They packed up the car and said their goodbyes to everyone. Then Reed went up to get Winnie. She was still asleep so he carried her down stairs and put her in the front seat of the car.

"Reed you must be careful with her. You know our situation here. Don't worry about us, just get her to the cottage and help her through this."

Reed said nothing to Marcus but nodded and shook his hand goodbye. Reed and Conner got in the car and a few seconds later Addison was in the car too. Everyone could see though that she was not happy with this arrangement and had never agreed to it. She sat in the back with Conner, crossed her arms, and stared out the window the whole time. It was a long silent ride to the cottage. When they finally arrived the sun was just about to rise. Winnie awoke for the first time since she had fainted into Reed's arms. Still half asleep and confused, she sat up straight and looked around. She first noticed they were in the car and then saw that Conner and Addison were with them. Reed just watched her and waited. She looked out the window and saw the cottage. In no way was it small it stood two stories high with many windows. It reminded her of a house in 19th century England, like in Pride and Prejudice. She finally looked back at Reed and stared at him for a moment.

"Where are we?"

"We are at my family's cottage."


"Umm...Reed, Addison and I are going to start unloading."

"Ok! Winifred, I wish I could give you all the answers you want and need but I can't."

He placed his hand on her cheek and traced the dark circles under her eye. She took in a deep breath.

"We're here because of me, right?"


"And Conner and Addison?"

"They are here to help. When a vampire feeds for the first time...they become very strong and violent. So they have come with me to help if needed, Marcus thought they would be most helpful since they are the youngest."

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