Part 15

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Winnie smiled and continued her way down stairs. Conner watched as she descended out of sight.

"You know you should stop."

Conner turned around to see Addison leaning in the doorway of her room.

"Stop what?"

"I'm not blind. I can see you like her and you need to stop!"

Conner moved closer and whispered to her.

"And what are you going to do about it?"

Addison just grinned.

"Nothing, but she is with Reed, and he might do something about it."

She laughed and shut the door to her room. Conner stood there frustrated with her and happy that Reed hadn't been home to hear their conversation. This made him wonder where it was Reed was always running off to. Down stairs Winnie gazed out the window thinking the same thing, but she was tired and felt weak so she laid down on the coach to read and rest. Conner went downstairs to grab his cell phone and found her asleep. He smiled and watched her sleep for a moment. Then he returned to his room and called Reed, but he didn't pick up. Conner continued to call over the next couple of hours but never got an answer. Then all of a sudden Reed burst into his room. Conner hadn't even heard him enter the house.


Conner just stared at Reed confused. By this time Addison was standing next to Reed looking just as confused. His first thoughts were Winnie so he tried to listen or smell her presence. Reed was right to yell...she wasn't there. Conner's eyes grew and he looked at Addison.

"Hey don't look at me. I didn't know she was gone either."

Reed was yelling at them for not keeping an eye on her.

"It's not our fault. We're not her babysitters, you are. Calm down Reed, she probably just went for a walk."

"No she didn't...she is gone. I know it!"

"Please Reed calm down. She will be ok. We'll find her."

"No she's not ok."

Conner gave Reed a dark look.

"What do you mean she's not ok?"

"I mean...I promised I wouldn't say anything..."

"What? What do you know that we don't?"

Reed was close to tears when he sat down and took in a deep breath.

"The reason we came up here isn't all because Winifred is starting to feed..."

Conner and Addison looked at each other and then back at Reed.

"So why did we then?"

"There was a hunter in town."

Addison gasped and Conner finally realized the danger.

"You think the hunter followed us here?"

"Addison, I don't know."

"That's why you've been leaving every night?"

"Yes, I've been searching the surrounding areas. Making sure the hunter didn't follow us."

"So you found his trail?"

"No, but I know it was him."

"Him? So you know who the hunter is?"

"Yes Addison, I've known since his first day in town. I sensed it and had Marcus approve it. That's why we couldn't stay in town with her feeding."

"Ok well you two stand here and talk about the hunter I'm going to go find her."

"Conner wait! You can't go up against the hunter by yourself."

"We don't even know if it was this hunter of yours. For all we know she could be strolling through the woods. So I'm going to go look for her."

They were all outside searching at the speed of light. With their extreme senses finding her wouldn't be hard, or so they thought. After searching the woods with no success they returned to the house.

"I'm going back down to the highway, to the little town down there."

"I'm coming with you."

Addison gave Conner a cautious look.

"You two guys go, I'll stay here, in case she returns."

Reed and Conner sped down the drive and toward the little town. Then Reed stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong? Why'd you stop?"

"She's feeding! It's not the hunter, it's her!"

Conner smelled the air. Reed was right. They could smell the fresh blood. A part of Reed panicked but also was relieved. They hurried on their way, now on her bloody trail. It wasn't long before they found her in an alleyway. She was kneeling over the body of a teenage boy. He laid motionless on the ground while she continued to bite him. Blood pooling up around them. She was too crazed to worry about all the blood she was wasting. When Winnie sensed their presence she looked up at them. Her eyes a vibrant blue, transparent skin, lips ruby red, and blood dripping down her mouth. Before she could run away Reed and Conner grabbed her. She struggled with them. She clawed at the brick walls. She was extremely strong but not for both of them. Making sure no one saw them they carried her back to the cottage. Addison could hear their struggles as they approached. Reed carried her to the bathroom and put her in the tub. Addison pushed them out before undressing her and washing her clean of all the blood. Winnie fought back at first but gave up under Addison's amazing strength. When she was done she got her dressed and Reed carried her to bed. He sat next to her bed, afraid to leave her side again. Conner and Addison sat at the kitchen table.

"So what happened?"

"Well we went into town and instantly smelled the fresh blood. She was feeding."

Addison gasped.

"So it wasn't the hunter?"


"So do you know who this hunter is?"

"No he never said."

Addison nodded.

"Well at least it wasn't a hunter. I don't know if we could take on a hunter."

"I think Reed and I would have killed him before he realized what was happening."

Winnie's eyes flew open and she stared at Reed. Her stomach turned, she knew something wasn't right.

"What happened?"

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