Part 19

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Reed and Winnie could not understand, or want to believe, what Addison was telling them was true. Through her sobs, Addison continued to inform them that Conner was no longer there. He had left. Reed was shocked instantly and went searching through the house. Winnie stood there, frozen, watching Addison's body heaving for oxygen while she sobbed in May's arms. She wanted to cry too; this took her by surprise. Reed returned shortly shaking his head and put his arms around Winnie's waist. Addison had looked up when Reed reentered the room. When she looked at Winnie her eyes grew narrow and fierce. Winnie shivered at Addison's glare and Reed, who had not notice the exchange, held her tighter. It wasn't long after that Reed, Landon, Gabe, and Marcus were out searching for Conner. Grace and May were taking care of Addison, who had finally fallen asleep from all the crying. Love and Winnie sat on the porch, with the phone close by in case Conner called.



"What do you think caused Conner to just take off like this?"

"I don't one has ever left the family before. Especially not without telling someone where they were going and when they would be back."

"Did he get into a fight with anyone or something that would cause him to run away like this?"

"No, everyone is completely baffled by this. No one saw anything that would make them think he wasn't happy."

Love voice started to crack and a tear dripped off of her eyelash. Winnie grabbed her hand and held it while Love pulled herself back together.

"I'm sorry Winnie."

"You don't have to be sorry. He is your brother, you are allowed to be upset and scared."

"He is your brother now too."

"Yeah I guess, but it's not the same. You have known each other for years...decades even. I was only just getting to know him. Love can I ask you something?"

"Winnie, you can ask me anything."

"It's just...I don't know why...but I feel I'm the reason Conner ran away."

Love looked at her shocked.

"Of course it's not your fault. Why do you think that?"

"Well like you said no one has ever left before, and I'm the only different factor in your guys' lives now. And we just got back from the cottage...maybe he blames himself for not watching me or something like..."

"Winnie no!"

Tears were falling from both of either eyes. Love wrapped her arms around Winnie tightly.

Complete silence filled the house. The gentlemen were back from their search and only one presence was missing from the comfort of home. No one dared to speak of the pain they were all feeling. Addison was finally asleep, exhausted from screaming and crying all day long. The atmosphere was electric. No one wanted to except the fact that Conner was gone. Reed and Winnie laid cuddled in bed. He held her in his arms but they both knew it was more for his comfort than hers. She felt his pain run through her and wanted to cry for his suffering.



"Now what do we do?"

"There's nothing we can do; nothing but wait and hope for him to come home."

And that is exactly what happened. Everyone tried their best to go back to normal, with one exception, but there was still the under tone of Conner's absents. It was the one subject that was on everyone's mind but no one dared to speak of. Addison was rarely seen outside of her bedroom. After her first feeding she was stronger and able to socialize with the rest of the family more. After 3 or 4 weeks everyone had finally moved on and were able to live day to day undisturbed by Conner resigning from their family. Gabe was walking up the stairs when he noticed some one sobbing in the bathroom. Instantly knowing Addison had broken down again he hurried to her aid. He lightly knocked on the door before entering. He was surprised to find it was Winnie in the bathroom. He yelled for Reed and May once he realized it was her. They were standing in the doorway before he knew it. Winnie was rolled up in a ball on the bathroom floor. Her arms wrapped around her tight. In one swift motion Reed picked her up and cradled her in his lap. Reassured by the fact that she wasn't physically hurt, Gabe and May stepped out of the bathroom and left Reed to help her.

"Winifred what's wrong?"

She didn't say anything. She just buried her face into his chest and cried even harder. He tried to soothe her but nothing worked.

"Come on."

He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. He bent over to lay her down.


She clung to him, making it impossible for him to lay her down.

"What is it? I think you should lay down and rest. Please!"

He grabbed her wrists and forced her off of him. When she fell to the bed she scurried to turn over, but not before he saw what was upsetting her. He sighed and sat down next to her. Her rubbed her back until her heaving sobs calmed to a light cry.

"Winifred, I understand. I know what's wrong and I promise it will be ok."

She spun around so fast it surprised even Reed who was use to very quick motions. She stared him straight in the eyes.

"That's what you said last time!"

When she spoke it was more like a growl than her yelling at him. Reed felt like he had just been slapped in the face.

"That won't happen again! It was my fault and no one else's that you got away from our sight the last time. And I vow to never let anything harm you or let you harm anything ever again. I think I found a way to help with those dark eyes. Marcus helped me figure out a better and safer way for you to feed"

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