Part 17

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When Reed finally was released from Marcus' office, May was instantly there to comfort him. They went into the kitchen and talked. May, with her motherly sympathy, made Reed feel at ease.

"You should help take her mind off things. Maybe take her out on a date or something. It might do you some good too."

Reed considered this and agreed.

"Thank you, May. I think I will."

Reed hugged her and May gave him a kiss on the cheek. He flew up stairs but stopped as soon as he entered the bedroom. He had not expected to see Love and Conner in there, but he was relieved to see Winnie smiling again. Love gracefully stood and hugged him.

"Do you guys mind? I'd like to talk to Winifred alone."

Without hesitation they both left the room. Winnie was comfortably sitting on the bed, her legs crossed in front of her.

"I just got done explaining everything to Marcus."

Winnie's smile disappeared from shame.

"What did he have to say?"

"Nothing really, I did most of the talking. Then I talked to May for a few minutes. She said something that I think is a great idea."

Winnie looked at him curious.

"She said we should get out, go on a date, help get our minds off of everything."

Reed thought she would be happy to hear this but all she did was look disappointed.

"Winifred, would you like to go out on a date with me?"

"I...Reed...I can't."

"Why not?"

Reed sat down on the bed next to her resting his hand on her knee.

"I would love to go out with you but I'm scared. I'm too much of a risk...I killed three..."

"Winifred stop. You can't think about it and you are no longer a risk."

Reed wiped a tear from her check.

"Trust me! I'll never let you go again."

He kissed her and she held him tight.

"Ok I'll go out with you."

Conner, who had been listening from his own bedroom, quickly found himself feeling very jealous. He knew from the first time he saw Winnie that he was attracted to her. He knew it was wrong to think such things about his brother's girlfriend but couldn't help it. Back at the cottage he had even let himself think things might turn out differently. Now that Reed and Winnie were back to their old happy ways Conner knew something had to change.

Grace and Love heard the news of the date and came to help Winnie get ready. They lightly knocked on the door and Winnie yelled for them to come in. Grace opened the bedroom door and gazed in shock at the mess on the floor. There were clothes thrown all over and Winnie sat at her, now empty, suitcase.

"I have nothing to wear!"

The girls smiled and laughed at Winnie. Love closed the door and they sat down on the ground with Winnie. Grace started picking up the clothes.

"See...Reed asked me out on a date, and well, it's kind of, in a way...our first date. And I have nothing to wear. I'm living out of this stupid little suitcase I can't believe I can ever find anything to wear! I'm thankful you guys got these from my house in the first place but I can't live off of this."

Winnie continued to spas out while the girls helped clean up.

"You know what Grace? I think what Winnie needs is a day of shopping."

"I agree! I mean she's right, she can't live off just this."

Winnie froze and stared at them.

"Are you serious? I don't have any money."

"Oh don't worry about that, we've already talked to May about it."

"Thank you...but wait, it's too late. We'd never make it back in time for my date."

"Oh we're not going tonight. For tonight you can wear some of our clothes."

Grace and Love stood up and Winnie followed them out of the bedroom and into Love's room. After trying on some shirts and jeans they all quickly realized Love's clothes were a little bit too tight and long for Winnie's body. So they went into Grace's room. Grace pulled out some shirts for Winnie to try on but nothing seemed to work. They fit but nothing looked right, or at least good enough. They spent a half hour trying on different outfits. They were about to give up when Grace found a dress in the back of her closet.

"Here try this one on! I've never worn it."

Grace handed the dress to Winnie. She looked the dress over once. It was a short cocktail dress, sleeveless, with a low V-cut, and it was a dark burgundy. She took it behind the dressing screen and slipped into it. The material was soft and fit just right on her figure. When she stepped out Grace smiled and Love clapped and giggled with joy.

"It's perfect!"

"Love calm down."

"Thank you, both of you. I never could have imagined..."

"It's our pleasure."

Winnie went back to her room, making sure no one spotted her in the dress. She stood in front of the full length mirror. She turned to the side to see the back of the dress and saw the tag still on the dress and ripped it off really quick. That's when she saw the price: $200.

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