Part 18

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Reed was waiting in the living room. Winnie came down stairs and entered the living room.

"I'm ready."

Reed turned around and gazed at the sight of her. Winnie could feel his eyes on her and just smiled. He waited for a blush to cross her checks but they stayed white as stone. She finally let out a little giggle.

"Thanks and you look nice too."

Winnie wasn't lying. Reed had dressed up a bit himself. He wore black dress pants, a gray shirt, and his black leather jacket. He smiled at her comment and offered his arm. They made their way out to the car. Reed graciously opened the passenger side door for her, but was in the driver's seat before she knew it. He looked over at her and smiled before speeding off.

"So where are we going?"

"Where would you like to go?"

"I don't know."

"How about the city?"

Winnie looked at him with a confused look on her face. Reed just gave a little smirk. She noticed they were going south, the opposite direction of town.

"What city?"

Reed gave a little chuckle and smiled back at her.

"Why, New York City, of course."

Winnie looked at the road ahead in shock.

"Are you serious? It will take us all night just to get there!"

"Don't worry about that."

Reed smiled before pressing on the gas and speeding down the interstate. He wasn't kidding, they made it into the city in half the time it would have normally taken someone to make it there. Winnie was mesmerized by the lights and bustle of the city. Reed parked the car. They were ready to roam the night. They walked through Time Square. Winnie had never been in the city before and was amazed by the beauty of the hundreds of lights. Winnie looked around and saw the other couples walking hand-in-hand, she held on tighter to Reed's arm, and felt blessed to have him with her. She saw the families, a father holding a baby against his chest while a mother held tight to the hand of a rowdy little boy, and it made her sad to know they will never have that. She looked up at Reed and caught him staring down at her, watching her reactions to everything. She smiled and stared at his beautiful eyes. He leaned over and kissed her before continuing down the street. The farther they went the lights became fewer and yet Winnie noticed her vision was becoming sharper. Then she realized that they were walking down a dark alley way with no light at all. She stopped and looked around.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I can see! Its pitch black and I can still see."

Reed laughed and kissed her hand that he was holding.

"It's good to see that not all of our abilities scare you."

Winnie smiled and nodded. Then they made their way to Broadway. With their extreme hearing they could hear the plays and musicals easily from the street, but it wasn't until they heard the music coming from a little underground pub that made them stop. Standing on the side street, listening to the music, Reed wrapped his arms around Winnie and started to sway. Winnie looked up at him and for the first time in what seemed like forever she saw the guy she met and was instantly smitten with. He grabbed her hand and they began to dance to the music. Winnie thought about how wonderful he was. Her stomach full of butterflies. She couldn't help but to smile and she couldn't take her eyes off of him. Then the music changed and they continued on their way. They went to the harbor and looked out at the Statue of Liberty. Reed sat down and held Winnie in his arms.


Winnie looked back at Reed in response.

"Have I told you yet that you look amazing tonight?"

Winnie smiled.

"No I don't believe you have."

"Well, you look absolutely gorgeous tonight."

And he kissed her on the forehead. Winnie thought to herself how perfect everything was.

"I think we should start heading back. It's getting late."

Winnie sighed but agreed. On their drive back home Winnie quickly fell asleep. She woke up with a scare.

"It's alright Winifred. We are home, I'm just carrying you up to bed. Go back to sleep."

Winnie closed her eyes but knew it wasn't Reed that had woken her up. However she allowed him to put her in bed anyways. She just laid there trying to figure out what had caused her to wake up or really why it woke her up. She finally fell back to sleep but tossed and turned the whole time. When the sun set she was ready to give up on sleep and left the bedroom. She found May in the dining room and asked her where Reed was.

"Reed is out with Marcus. They should be home shortly."

Winnie frowned at this and went outside. She sat down on a swing that was hanging from a tree branch. She twisted up the chains and dragged her feet in the dirt. Her mind racing with the thoughts of her dreams. She heard the door open and close and saw Reed walking towards her. She smiled, picked up her feet allowing the swing to unravel, and jumped up to kiss him.

"Are you alright?"

Winnie hadn't been expecting this, but was in a way happy he had noticed something wasn't right.

"I'm ok...why?"

"Well you did an awful lot of tossing and turning last night, and I was just wanting to make sure..."

Suddenly they heard yelling and screaming from inside the house. They ran inside to find May holding Addison who was crying.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Conner...he's gone!"

"What do you mean Conner is gone?"

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