Part 22

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“What’s wrong with her?”

    “Reed calm down! Shhh…she is just sleeping.”

    Everyone was instantly relieved. 

    “So how did she get here?”

    “I didn’t see anyone else out there.”

    “Are you sure Gabe?”

    “Trust me Reed, there was no one out there when I checked.”

    “But then who knocked on the door?”

    “Love please lower your voice.”

    “It’s ok I’ll take her upstairs to her bed.”

    Reed carefully picked her up and took her upstairs. He put her down on the bed and laid down next to her. He kissed her and wrapped his arms around him. Back down stairs everyone was still wondering about how she got home and where she had run off to. 

    “Thank you.”


    Reed sat up to look her in the face, but her eyes were still close. She was still sleeping.

    “For what Winifred?”

    “I was so cold.”

    He got out of bed and knelt down so he was face to face with her. 

    “Winifred, tell me where you were?”


    Winnie took in a deep breath and opened her eyes. When she saw Reed’s face she closed her eyes again, as a tear streamed down her face and fell on to the pillow. 

    “I’m sorry!”

    They both said in unison. 

    “No Winifred, there’s no need to be sorry. I’m just happy you are home safe. And I’m sorry for upsetting you in the first place. I’ll never do it again.”

    “I know I shouldn’t have ran off like that. It’s just…when I started running I couldn’t seem to help it. I never wanted to stop! But I…wait how did I get home?”

    Reed looked up at her with shock. Having her home and now awake, he had forgotten about her unusual return. 


    “We don’t know. We went searching for you but had no luck. We had returned home to check when you got here.”

    “So it wasn’t you who found me and brought me home?”

    “No, there was a knock on the door and when we answered there was no one there. Then we found you on the porch sleeping.”

    Winnie closed her eyes again and another tear streamed down. Reed tried to hug her but couldn’t from where he was sitting. Winnie moved down off the bed and laid down in Reed’s lap. 

    “I don’t remember.”

    “It’s ok. All that matters is you are home.”

    After holding her for awhile Reed went back downstairs. Everyone had heard them talking and knew she was awake. When he entered the living room Love stood up and headed upstairs and Reed took her seat.

    “She doesn’t remember.”

    “What do you mean she doesn’t remember?” Landon asked.

    “I mean she doesn’t know how she got home. And at this point we have no desire to worry about it. As long as she is safe.”


    “Yes Landon that means no searching. Plus we have enough to deal with. We don’t need to add to the list.”

    “Thank you Marcus!”

    Reed laid back in the chair and closed his eyes with a sigh. Everyone was silent for a moment when Love came back downstairs. 

    “She doesn’t want to see anyone…”

    “I could have told you that but I knew you wouldn’t listen and go up there anyways.”

    For the next few nights Winnie stayed closed up in her room; only allowing Reed to come in. Love hated this more than anyone else. Life went on for everybody else. The guys still left the house most of the nights. Everyone leaving on their scheduled days to go hunting. Addison got out a little more but was still numb to anything; walking around like a zombie. Grace and Love went out shopping and doing their usual.

Winnie just laid in bed all night and day. She was falling into a deep hole and Reed was the only one who could see her slipping away from them. Every night he pushed her to get dressed and join the family downstairs and every day she denied. He finally decided to ask May and Marcus what he should do. 

    “She is in a depression and I feel like I can’t help her. I talk to her and listen to her and hold her. I don’t know what else to do.”

    “She will be ok. We knew she took to this huge change too easily. There was bound to be a break down at some point.”

    “I know but May she is just so…I don’t know. She talks to me a little less every day. I’m afraid I’m losing her.”

    “Maybe you should get her out of that room. Get her down here with us and maybe she will come out of it. All I know is staying in that room all night can’t be helping the problem.”

    “Marcus! I’ve tried!”

    “I’m sorry!”

    They all turned. Winnie stepped closer but didn’t say another word.

    “Oh it’s alright Winnie. We just want to see you happy again.”

    Love rushed in the door and hugged her. Then she held her back and took a look at her.

    “God Winnie, you look like hell!”

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