Part 16

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“She’s awake!”

    “Thank you Conner, but I can hear her too. You don’t need our abilities to hear her yelling and screaming.”

    A few seconds later Reed sat down at the table with them, hunched over in defeat. They sat in silence.

    “Well I’m going back to bed, I’ve had a rough day and now a rough night.” 

    Addison glared at him and he went upstairs. Reed just sat there exhausted. 

    “I don’t know what to do anymore Addison. I love her but I don’t know how to help her.”

    “So are we going home?”

    “I haven’t even thought about that…but yes I guess so. In her fever rage she fed and killed three people. So I guess it would be best to leave as soon as possible.”

    “All at once? We better leave today! We should start packing!”

    Reed just sat there and sighed deeply and nodded in agreement. 

    “How are you doing?”

    Winnie rolled over in bed.

    “Hi Conner, I’ve been better.”


    “I wanted to thank you. Reed told me you were searching for me with him and helped bring me back.”

    “That’s what I’m here for!”

    They both smiled.

    “Well thank you anyways.”

    “You’re welcome, just don’t scare us like that again.”

    Her eyes grew wide at the thought. Conner knew he had said too much.

    “Are you saying this could happen again?”

    “Don’t worry we won’t let this happen again! I promise!”

    “But it could?”

    “Well yes…you still don’t know how to control yourself. That’s what we had planned to do here when you fed for the first time. But it’s our fault! We weren’t paying close enough attention and you got away from us. So yes you could break away again.”

Winnie gasped and Reed was at her side. He glared at Conner.

    “Why are you telling her this! She is not in the condition to take this in.”

    “Reed, I’m sorry.”

    “I thought you were going to bed? Well forget it now, go and pack, we are leaving!”

    Winnie shivered at Reed’s anger. He held her tight and she could feel the tension in his arms. For the first time she wasn’t happy to be in his arms. Conner looked at Winnie and then left the room. Reed wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. He kissed her on the forehead. 

    “I’m sorry, Conner should not have said that.”

    Winnie just sat there, still in shock from all that was said and done. Her mind running over everything that had happened and what could happen. For the first time since her life changed Winnie was terrified of what she had become. The drive home was spent in silent, but in their minds everyone was going crazy. When they arrived home the sun was just breaking over the horizon. Everyone was surprised to see the four of them, but they said little and went to their rooms. The silence did not last long before Marcus was calling Reed to explain himself. 

    “We weren’t expecting you home so soon. You were barely gone two days. What happened?”

    “I failed…I failed you, the family, and most importantly her.”

    Reed was sitting in Marcus’ office. His face now rested in his hands. Marcus put a hand on his shoulder.

    “Just tell me what happened.”

    Reed took in a deep breath and explained to Marcus everything that had gone on at the cottage. Marcus didn’t say a word the whole time. He listened to every little detail. 

    “So does Winnie know about the hunter?”

    “No, I only told Conner and Addison.”

    “Good. Let’s try and keep it that way. She does not need to find out. She has enough to deal with and to scare her.”

    Reed completely agreed. 

    “Well I guess we are just lucky we got her out of town in time for her to run away. If she had gotten away from us here in town the hunter would have found and killed her in an instant.”

    Reed cringed at the thought. Now that he had her he couldn’t imagine losing her…ever. Winnie looked up to a knock on the door. 


    “Winnie may I enter?”

    Love peeked into the bedroom. Winnie gave a little grin and nodded. 

    “I just wanted to check on you and see how you were doing. I don’t really remember my first time but I do remember how terrified I was.”

    “Please Love, I really don’t want to talk about it.”

    “I’m sorry.”

    “I just can’t…so how has everyone around here been?”

    “Well with you four gone and Marcus and May being so busy, it has been pretty quiet around here. I mean I know what happened and all is terrible but I am quite happy to see you all return so soon.”

    Winnie smiled.

    “I’m glad to be back too.” 

    There was another knock on the door. Winnie yelled for them to come on in. 

    “Hey Conner, welcome home.”

    “Thanks Love! I just came to see how Winnie was doing.”

    “Well come on in and sit down with us. I was just saying how happy I was you all are back. How about you?”

    “I don’t know, I kind of liked it up at the cottage. It was peaceful.” 

    The girls rolled their eyes and laughed at him. Conner smiled. Winnie thought to herself maybe this daunting life was not going to be as bad as she had recently come to think.

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