Part 9

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Everything has me running away.”

    “I don’t understand.”

    “YOU don’t understand, I don’t understand! All I know is I can never go home, I can never be with my friends and family ever again, and the only place I can go, is the one place I don’t want to be. And…”

    She let out another scream.

    “I can’t think with all of this noise!”

    She dropped her head into her lap and covered her ears with her hands. He knelt down next to her and ran his hand over her hair. 

    “I know it’s tough, but you’ll get used to it and even learn to “shut it off” in a way.”

    “What if I don’t want to get use to it!”


    She looked up at him. 

    “You’ve never called me Winnie.”

    “I know. I just thought maybe you’d prefer if I did. Since you told Love that you wanted to be called Winnie.”

    “No I like it when you call me Winifred.”

    She let out a little smile. They just gazed into each other’s eyes. Things always seemed alright, better when he was there. Then she heard someone approaching them and quickly turned to see who it was.

There stood a man about twenty-five years old. He was tall and muscular. He wore jeans and a polo shirt. His hair short but long enough to get in his eyes. At this moment he was brushing his hair out of his sight when Winnie first saw him. Winnie grabbed Reeds arm and ran back towards the house. Before the man could look back up they had vanished. He just stood there paralyzed with thought. When they were about half way home Reed yanked at Winnie’s arm to slow her down. They stopped in the middle of the road. Reed studied her face. There was fear all over it. 

    “What’s wrong?”

    “Sorry it’s just that…guy…startled me.”

    “Why? Do you know him?”

    “He’s…He’s my brother!”

    He looked back in the direction of the park and then back at Winnie, with wide eyes. 

    “It’s ok I don’t think he recognized me.”

    “Are you sure? He seemed pretty stunned.”

    “Yes I’m sure, now come on.”

    “No! Winnie we have to know if he saw you. Remember you are suppose to be dead!”

    She shot an evil eye at him. 

    “Do you think I have forgotten?”

    He let out a sigh. 

    “No, but if he goes home rambling on how he saw you in the park, someone might start believing him.”

    “And what’s so bad about that? Then they would know I’m not dead and I can go home!”

    “No Winifred! You may not be dead but you’re not exactly alive either.”

    Winnie already knew this but for a brief moment had the hope of her normal life again. She felt like screaming again. Her whole world came crashing down again and she felt just like she had felt when she had walked through the rain. Before she could break down again she heard someone approaching. She started to think maybe this super hearing wasn’t such a bad thing after all. These footsteps were much quicker and quieter than normal. In the blink of an eye Marcus stood in front of them. 

    “May sent me to get you. She realizes Winnie needs time to accept her new life but you know how May hates to wait. You two need to come home with me now so we can start this meeting and get it done and over with.”

    Reed looked at Winnie’s face and gave her a reassuring smile. She seemed to warm up inside, took a deep breath, and nodded. Before she could take another breath they were all racing down the street. When they arrived back at the house everyone was waiting around the dining room table. May stood when they entered the door. Marcus walked around the table and sat down next to her. Reed and Winifred sat in the two empty chairs in front of them. 

    “Winnie I just want to say Welcome again!”

    May started things off. Winnie took a quick look around and saw everyone paying close attention to May as she spoke. 

    “Well since you know everyone already from Reed’s little introduction last night; I think it’s safe to continue on. I’m sure Reed has told you about the new abilities you have or will develop?”

    May looked across the table at them and Reed nodded his head. May continued to talk telling Winnie about how happy she was that she had joined their family even under such conditions. Again Winnie was reminded of the mother figure May must play in this odd “family.” 

    “Now is there anything you would like to ask us?”

    With this question everyone turned to look at Winnie now. She took in a deep breath and her cheeks blushed. 

    “So are you, May, like the mother of the family?”

    She let out a little chuckle and smiled back at her.

    “Yes, I guess you could call me that. And if that is so, I guess that would make Marcus the father of the family.”

    Winnie looked at Marcus and then at the two of them, and for the first time notice their connection. She had never thought two of them would be together as a couple. This news made her wonder if any of the others were in relationships.

    “I didn’t realize that. May I ask who else is a couple?”

    “Landon and I are together too!”

    Love leaned over and kissed Landon’s cheek. 

    “And Grace and I are a couple also.”

    Grace smiled at Gabe and locked arms with him. Winnie was amazed. She had just imagined them all to be brothers and sisters but in reality they were a house full of husbands and wives. She turned to the last two at the table.

    “And you two also?”

    Addison smiled and let out a little giggle.

    “No we are twins. Conner is my brother.” 

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