Part 36

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Addison pushed away from him. Andrew just looked at her in shock, afraid he really had misunderstood. 

    “If Conner were to be watching…”

    He quickly understood and smiled at her. 

    “Conner is out. He went with Marcus to officially withdraw you two from school.”

    Addison thought it was odd for Conner to leave without telling her but also remembered this had been planned earlier. Conner had tried to get out of it but was obviously unsuccessful. 

    “Well there are others.”

    “May is upstairs resting. Love went back to work today. Grace wanted to go shopping and of course Gabe went with her and oddly enough so did Landon.”

    Addison laughed.

    “Landon loves to shop almost as much as Grace and Love.”

    “See there is nothing to worry about.”

    “And what about Reed and Winnie?”

    “Now that you mention it I don’t know what they are up to. That’s why I came out here to join you, there was no one else to bother.”

    He gave her his usual smirk. Her frown deepened at the thought that he only came after her for the lack of anything else to do. Andrew noticed this and dropped the smirk. 

    “Not that I would rather be closed up in the house with someone else.”

    Again Andrew caught himself staring at her lips. He fought the desire to kiss her lips and feel the softness. Instead he drew his thumb across them. Addison closed her eyes letting another tear fall. He wiped it away just as he did before. 

    “I just don’t understand!”

    Addison finally spoke out loud the words that kept spinning through her head. Andrew just looked at her. 

    “What don’t you understand?”

    “How someone can hate a person one minute and care for them the next?”

    “I don‘t know and it’s my turn to confess. I want nothing more than to kiss you right now. But also afraid of your reaction if I did. I know you hate me; you have made that clear.”

    Addison froze. Then stepped closer to him. She rested her hand on his arm.

    “I don’t hate you.”

    She looked up into his eyes and smiled at him. Andrew slowly and cautiously leaned forward and gently kissed her. Addison moved closer and kissed him back. She never wanted to part from his kiss but after a moment pulled back. Her mind and body was full of emotions. This time more than one tear streamed down her face. Andrew started to worry about her and sat her down on the ground. .m

    “I’m sorry.”

    “Addison you don’t have to apologize. It’s my fault. I had no right to do that.”

    “That’s not it. I wanted you to kiss me.”

    Andrew was silent. 

    “I’m crying because I’ve never felt like this. I’m crying because I don’t understand any of this. I’m crying because this can’t be. I mean Conner would kill you if he knew. And who knows what everyone else will think.”

    Andrew finally understood and held her close. 

    “You shouldn’t worry so much. Who cares what everyone else thinks. I mean I know for a fact not everyone in this household loved the idea of Reed and Winnie.”

    Addison let a smile cross her face. This relieved Andrew. 

    “And let me handle Conner.”

    “NO! …I mean he is my brother I will talk to him.”

    “Well who ever talks to him we don’t have to worry about it right this second.”

    She wiped the tears from her eyes and tried to smile at him. Andrew stood up and held out his hand. She grabbed it and he pulled her up off the ground. Then he started toward the house. Addison didn’t move and let go of his hand. He turned around and looked at her.

    “What’s wrong?”

    “No one can know. At least not until I tell Conner. If he found out from someone else…well that just can’t happen.”


    Andrew continued up to the house while Addison stayed behind. When he walked in the back door he saw Winnie and Reed in the living room.

    “Hey where have you two been all day?” 

    “Oh hey Andrew! Reed and I have just been busy. Oh I need to speak with you.”


    Winnie got up. Reed stood up and handed Winnie a key.

    “Use Marcus’ office.”

    “Ok that’s a good idea.”

    Andrew looked at Reed and then back at Winnie.

    “What’s up?”

    “I’ll tell you when we get in the office.”

    Winnie started for the office and Andrew followed. When they enter the office Winnie shut and locked the door behind them. 

    “So what’s up? Why are we in here?”

    “I brought you in here because Marcus’ office is sound proof. It’s the only room in the house where no one else can hear us.”

    “That’s cool. So why did you bring me in here?”

    “Andrew there’s something I need to tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Not that you are very social these days anyways but still…”

    “Ok I promise I won’t say anything. What is it?”

    “It has to do with Conner and Addison.”

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