Part 45

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Everyone returned home and it seemed as if everything was peaceful and quiet again. The house was full of couples; couples that after the wedding seemed to be blissfully happy. All except Conner…he hung out at the house until he wasn’t able to stand all the happy couples and disappear for the day. But always returning at night; to Addison and everyone else’s relief. Conner had to admit it was easier not having Reed and Winnie home. He could deal with the loneliness a lot better when she wasn’t around. He wasn’t mad anymore and was able to slowly move on with their absents. Where Conner was enjoying Winnie’s absence Love wasn’t. Love needed Winnie to talk to. She knew she could talk to her other sisters but they weren’t helpful. They knew Landon too well and they were used to Love and Landon’s relationship so they didn’t see the issues. Winnie somehow was able to see that Love and Landon were on different pages. She knew Winnie didn’t have the answers she needed but she was a good friend, no sister, to vent to and she was always reassuring. Love was happy but was in a rut. 

    “Hey Gabe! Have you seen Love?”

    “Uhhh…no I don’t think I have.”

    “Okay, thanks.”


    “Can I ask you a question?”

    “Sure man.”

    “Has Love said anything to you or Grace?”

    “Like what?”

    “I don’t know. I just have a feeling. Like something is wrong and she won’t tell me. So I thought she may have talked to Grace or maybe even you.”

    “She hasn’t said anything to me and Grace hasn’t said anything. If she hasn’t said anything why do you think something’s wrong?”

    “She’s just been distant or something. Like she’s got something on her mind but when I ask what she’s thinking she just smiles and says nothing.”

    “It’s probably nothing. Maybe it has to do with work or something. But I’ll keep an eye out for ya.”

    “Thanks Gabe!”

    Addison came down the stairs and noticed no one was in the living room then she went in the kitchen and it too was empty. She glanced outside but didn’t see anyone. She knew something was off but she went upstairs to check. She found Conner laying in bed on his laptop. 

    “Do you know where everyone is?”

    Everyone once again was gathered in Marcus’ office. 

    “You all know why I asked you in here. First May and I want to thank you all for the wonderful wedding we were able to host for Reed and Winnie. As you all know they will be home at the end of the week.”

    “Have you heard from them recently?” Andrew asked.

    “Not since last weekend. But that’s not what we are here to talk about. We need to talk about Conner and Addison. I want to make sure everyone knows what’s to happen and who is doing what. May?”

    Everyone looked from Marcus to May with a determined and focused look. 

    “Like Marcus just said you all know what you’re suppose to do. I don’t want any thing to go wrong! And they cannot even have a hint something is up or we fail and you know I won’t except failure.”

    After everyone started to get up and leave the office Marcus noticed Andrew still sitting down. He politely waited for everyone to leave and shutting the door before asking Andrew what he needed.

    “Are you worried about Addison? I’ve noticed how close you two have gotten.”

    “No that’s not what I’d like to talk to you about.”

    Marcus sat down in the chair next to Andrew’s rather than his desk chair. He was confused and intrigued that Andrew wanted to speak to him. 

    “You are welcome to ask me anything.”

    “As you know I have been doing my best lately accepting this…lifestyle. I finally agreed to drink from the donor bags. Not by much choice at first but I’ve moved past my issues with drinking blood as long as it’s from the donor bags.”

    “Yes you have been doing very well.”

    “And I have grown very fond of Addison. I have even started to open up to Gabe and Landon on rare occasions. Well I don’t really know where I’m going with this. I guess I want you to know I’m trying and everything.”

    “Andrew you don’t have to plead your case to me. We all have our own issues, especially at the beginning, and with your past.”

    “I know I have something I want to ask you and I figured I’d remind you I’ve been honorable. So I have been thinking lately. Thinking a lot about my past and I wanted to talk to you about it, see if you could help me with something.”

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