Part 49

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Andrew walked out of the office and all eyes were on him. He took in a deep sigh and walked into the living room to face the masses. Addison was the only one missing. Conner was the first to break the silence with a little anger in his tone.

    “Who’s she?”

    “That was Cara. We were good friends once.”

    “I find that hard to believe since she’s a vampire.”

    “We were both hunters. She was apart of my team. But she was turned two years ago and I hadn’t seen her since then. Even as a hunter I was never able to track her down. Being a hunter before changing allows us to be ahead of the hunters because we know how they work. I asked Marcus to help me find her. I didn’t realize she would just show up like this and so soon. With Marcus and May’s permission of course I have invited her to stay so that Winnie is able to meet her.”

    There were a lot of looks exchanged among everyone. 

    “She is welcome to stay here as long as she follows our rules and doesn’t hunt in town. But Andrew may I suggest asking permission from one other.”

    “We try not to pry and are unsure of the friendship between you and Addison. But she has been apart of this family for a long time and we know there is more to you two than we see. As a mother figure to her and I hope in a since to you I would hate to see either of you in pain.”

    Andrew nodded to May in understanding. 

    “If you could tell me where she is I’m on my way to speak to her now.”

    “She went out back.”
    She leaned back on the tree and closed her eyes. The gentle breeze blew her hair and her fingers ran across the top of the blades of grass. Her chest was heavy. Her eyes were starting to sting. Her body was begging her to let go and cry and scream but she wouldn’t let it. She held it inside. Addison refused to let him make her cry again. She just took deep breaths and tried not to think about what was going on inside. She was almost completely calm when she heard the door open and foot steps on the back porch. Her heart jumped in her chest and started racing. Her breathing started to get shorter and shallower. She wasn’t ready for him. 

    “I can hear your heart racing. Do you want me to go? Or can I sit and talk to you about Cara?”

    “I want to know.”

    Andrew walked around the tree and sat down in front of Addison. He took her hand and held it in his. 

    “Can you please look at me…please?”

    Fighting even harder to hold back the tears she raised her chin and looked at him. He gave her a little smile.

    “Thank you. Please let me tell you everything before you say anything. I want you to understand. Cara and I use to be friends once. We were both hunters and she was on my team. She was a couple years younger and I kind of took her under my wing.”

    Addison didn’t like where this was going and started to lower her head. But Andrew caught her chin and held it.

    “Please don’t look away. It wasn’t like what you think. In some ways she reminded me of Winnie and so I felt protective of her. She was just out of high school when we first met and very quiet. It was never anything more than that for either one of us. When we lost her two years ago I suffered a great loss. I imagined it felt like if I had lost Winnie. In hindsight I know I suffered much more losing Winnie when I thought she was truly dead. When I was hunting I tried to track her down. My team figured it was to kill her but I know now deep down it was just to see if she survived and was ok. Awhile back I started wondering where she was and if I would be able to find her now that I was a vampire myself. So I asked Marcus if he was in touch with others that could help me. I never thought in a million years she’d show up unannounced and so soon. She said she heard I was looking for her and with vampires but it wasn’t until she saw me she truly believed I was one.”

    Addison didn’t know if she could take much more. The tears were at the brim but she held on to his hand and listened.

    “She is just a friend and I promise you that. I know I have said things that have hurt you but I’ve been messed up and confused. But when I’m with you I feel happy and truly content. I’m working to get through my issues because I do want to be with you. I know I should have said this before now but I need you to know that. I don’t want you to think I was searching for some other person to try and be with them. I work everyday to fit into this family not just because of Winnie but because of you. I’m even trying to be nice to Conner. I know he’s your brother but I think there is too much history there. You have nothing to worry about especially when it comes to Cara.”

    Andrew continued to gaze at Addison trying to figure out what was going through her mind. She was silent and that made him nervous. Then she broke. Tears started pouring down her face and she cried out in sobs. He swept her up in an instant.

    “What’s wrong? Why are you upset?”

    “I’m not upset. I’m happy…and relieved…and I just couldn’t hold it in anymore.”

    Addison tried to talk but it was broken up with sobs and laughter. Andrew smiled and sighed in relief. He held her tighter and kissed her on the forehead. 

    “I love you.”

    “I’ve never loved someone as much as you, Andrew.”

    He smiled and let out a laugh.

    “This might be a bad time but I wanted to ask if it was alright Cara stayed here a day or two so Winnie can meet her?”

    Addison lifted her head off his chest and looked him in the face for a moment. Then she leaned in and kissed him, a long passionate kiss. 

    “It’s ok with me.”

    “Good because I already said she could.”

    Addison jabbed him in the stomach and they laughed. 

    “Now who’s bruising who now?”

Reed & Winifred (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now