Part 21

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Winnie sat on the porch, reading one of her favorite books. Or trying to anyways. Her mind seemed to keeping running away from her. She would find herself just staring off into space every five minutes or so. She gave up on the reading and just sat there gazing off across the lawn, across the highway, at the woods, her eyes never settling on one place for too long. Then she started daydreaming.

She saw herself at a younger age playing with her brother in the front yard. She saw her parents sitting on the edge of the porch; her dad reading the paper and her mother yelling at us to stay away from the street. She pictured her neighbors driving by as we all stopped to wave at them. Then her mother would go inside to start dinner and her father would fix himself a drink. Andrew would tease her and push her around the yard. But instead of running away from him she always chased after him.

Then it would start; they could hear their parents arguing from inside the house. So they ran across the street and hid in their secret place. Winnie would start to cry and Andrew would hug her. He would then sing to her Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star just like their mother use to do before they went to sleep. He held her tight and whispered "I'll always be there for you, you don't have to worry!"

Winnie's eyes were watering. She continued to stare out across the lawn. Then she jumped and let out a slight scream. Reed heard her and rushed to her side. Winnie tried to wipe her eyes clear of her tears.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh it was nothing."

Reed looked at her and knew something was not right.

"Then why did you scream?"

"I just thought I saw something but it was nothing."

"Then why are crying?"

Winnie finished drying off her face.

"Oh that, it's nothing."

"Stop saying it's nothing! I can tell something is wrong."

"Ok I was just sitting here, daydreaming, and I guess I got caught up in it and started crying. But I'm fine."

Reed looked at her, studying her face, and gave in. He leaned in and kissed her.

"Ok if you say your fine I believe you. What were you thinking about?"

"Something that happened a long time ago. It only happened a few times. My dad got drunk and argued with my mom. But after about the third time it happened he started getting help and we were all happy again."

"Did he ever...hit you?"

"Oh no! Andrew and I always left when we heard them start fighting. I don't even think he hit my mom; it was mainly verbal."

"Yes but that doesn't make it any less painful."

Reed hugged her and just held her there. He lifted her chin and gazed into her eyes.

"So what made you jump?"


"Please, how am I suppose to protect you if I don't know what's going on?"

"Protect me? Since when do I need protecting? Isn't it everyone should be protected from me?"

"Winifred please calm down!"

"Tell me why I need to be protected?"

"Winifred just tell me please!"

Winnie looked at him and then took off running. Reed only heard a whisper in the wake of her escape.

"Try to protect me now!"

Winnie ran like the wind. She had never ran this fast. She was nervous at first by the speed but then started to enjoy it and never wanted to stop running.

"Gabe, Marcus, Landon!"

The three men plus everyone else in the house, minus Addison, appeared on the porch.

"Winifred just ran off and I don't know where she is headed."

"Oh dear! Poor girl!" May sighed

"This is not good Reed you know the danger out there."

"Yes Marcus, that's why we have to find her NOW!"

"It's going to be alright man between the four of us she has no chance."

"Thanks Landon."

"Which way did she go?"

"I don't know. I wasn't expecting her to take off like that. I wasn't paying close enough attention."

"Well Grace and I will go east, Landon and Love can go west, Marcus and May can go South, and you can go north."

"Sounds good to me!"

"No Love! I don't want you guys out there. It's too dangerous with the hunter out there. Plus I want you guys here if she comes home."

"Ok Reed. Love, Grace, and I will stay home, but you boys be safe and bring that girl home safely too."

"Thank you May."

Then all four guys ran off in their separate directions. May went back to her cleaning and Grace went back to keeping an eye on Addison. Love just sat on the porch thinking. Then it hit her she knew where Winnie was going.

"May, I'll be back later!"

Then she took off before May had the chance to ask where she was going. Love stopped and looked around but didn't see Winnie anywhere.

"I could have sworn she'd be here."

Love sat down on a swing and looked around again. She looked at the houses down the road and wondered which one had been Winnie's. After sitting there for almost an hour, Love got up and hurried back home. Everyone was sitting in the living room when she got back. Reed stood up.

"Where have you been?"

"I thought I knew where she might be so I went there."


"The park. I knew that was where she ran off to last time."

Reed sighed. He placed his hands on the table and leaned over. May stood up next to him and put her hand on his shoulder.

"But she never showed up. Did any of you have much luck?"


Love sat down. The room was silent. Then they heard something and at that moment there was a knock on the door. Everyone looked towards the door and Reed sped to the door. Marcus got there first.

"Slow down we don't want to scare anyone who is out there."

Marcus opened the door and saw no one. Then he looked down.

"Reed! It's Winnie!"

Reed picked her up quickly and rushed her to the couch. Gabe looked out the door and searched to see if anyone else was there before joining everyone in the living room.

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