Part 50

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Andrew started up the stairs with Cara following behind. He saw her glance around at all the pictures. 

    “Wow, how old are these people?”

    He chuckled. 

    “Truthfully I don’t know. They don’t look like it but Marcus and May are the oldest ones of the family. They unofficially take the mother and father rolls.”

    Andrew stopped in a door way and ushered her inside. 

    “Here this is where I’ve been staying. And it’s where you will sleep for your stay. Don’t worry, I’ll be staying down the hall in Addison’s room.”

    “Oh really?”

    She winked at him. 

    He let out a laugh happy to finally be seeing the old Cara peeking through.

    “Yes she hasn’t decided if she will stay or move to Conner’s room though.”

    “Who’s Conner?”

    “Conner is Addison’s true biological twin brother.”

    “And what does he think of you dating his sister?”   

    “Well there is much more to it but he hates the fact.”

    Cara laughed and sat down on the bed. 

    “Well we’ve got all night tell me everything; how and why you were changed.”

    Andrew sat down next to her and started the story from the beginning.

    Landon and Gabe walked into the kitchen and found Grace and Love talking at the table. Landon wrapped his arms around Love and whispered in her ear. Gabe kissed Grace on the forehead.

    “How are we in here?”

    “We were just talking about our newest guest.”

    As Gabe and Grace started a conversation Landon and Love got up and went out the back door. Gabe took the moment to be alone with Grace. He sat down and tugged her to sit on his lap. She lid over and wrapped her arms around his neck. A smile spread across both of their faces.

    “I don’t care how many years or decades or centuries I spend with you woman, you always bring a smile to my face and take my breath away.”

    “I feel the same way!”

    Gabe held her tight to his chest.

    “Did you know about Andrew and Addison?”

    “I knew they were starting to spend a lot of time together and we all saw her reaction when he came back that one day. I figured they were becoming more than friends.”

    “Yeah, I guess us guys don’t really pay attention to those things. I mean how can I when you’re on my mind twenty-four seven.”

    Grace smiled and a slight blush rose on her cheeks.

    “I think seeing them at the wedding and dancing together I knew there was some spark between the two of them. She is taking the whole Cara thing a lot better than I would have imagined. If you had some girl show up I wouldn’t be so calm.”

    “Haha...yeah but when does Addison ever show a lot of emotion until she finally snaps. Her yelling at him earlier in the hall was amazing. I’d never seen her stand up for herself like that before.”

    “Yeah maybe I should go talk to her.”
    Gabe pulled her in closer.

    “I don’t think so I’m not letting you go that easily.”

    He kissed her forcefully. It didn’t take long before Grace was kissing him back and melting in his strong arms. 

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