Part 10

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By the end of the meeting Winnie's head was spinning with all the new information. She knew so much more about this unique family, but was still very confused. She still had so many questions. At every moment she felt like she would break down into tears. It was just too much too fast. She felt she was going through the motions of the day but not connecting to the experience. Her chest was heavy and she felt like running again. She knew better by now that she had nowhere to run to. It was about three o'clock and Winnie wondered when they would have lunch.

"Reed, when are we going to eat?"

He just looked at her. She could tell he was trying to say something with his eyes. That's when it hit her that they hadn't eaten all day or the night before. Her eyes got real big.

"Do we eat?"

"I guess in a way no."

"What do you mean 'in a way'?"

He grimaced and stared her down again. She scanned back through her memory to find something she may have missed or forgotten.


Reed looked away.

"How? Why? When?"

"Winifred calm down! We will deal with it when it comes time."

"But Reed...?"

She looked at him terrified of the thought. Reed cupped the back of her head and kissed her on the forehead.

"Everything will be alright. Just take a deep breath and we'll talk about it later."

She didn't fight with him on the topic anymore. She just decided to give in for now.

"I'm going to go for a walk."

He just let her go. She went out back and took a round of the huge back yard. She was completely alone, but she could feel she was being watched. She ignored this and continued walking around the yard. The ground was wet and the yard was covered in leaves. The woods on the back edge of the property were entirely bare. The mid-autumn breeze whipped through her hair.

"May I join you?"

Winnie spun around startled. She was very surprised to see Love standing there. She had not heard her at all.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?"

"You're fine. I just didn't hear you, and now days I thought I could hear everything."

"Oh, you can hear almost everything, but I'm really good at being quiet. It's a talent of mine; that I sometimes forget I have."

She smiled at Winnie trying to show her that she truly was sorry for sneaking up on her. Then she noticed Love was wearing nothing but jeans and a tank top.

"Aren't you cold?"


Love let out a little laugh and then pointed back at her.

"Look at yourself. You aren't wearing a whole lot either."

Winnie realized that she had forgotten her jacket in the house. But thought it was odd that she hadn't noticed.

"We don't feel the cold. It is one more of our many qualities."

When Love told her this it took her back to the many times Reed had touched her and his hands or lips were as cold as ice. She remembered everything from those first few days she had met him. She remembered the look he always had in his eyes, the look that seemed to be no longer there. As Winnie's mind continued to wander like this, the two girls walked side by side around the yard.

"Love, can I ask you a question?"

Love looked up at Winnie surprised and curious.

"Oh course, you can ask me anything."

"Why doesn't he want me here?"


She just stared at the ground as they walked.

"Reed, ever since he brought me here things have been different. At times I think he wishes I wasn't here."

"How can you say that? Reed adores you."

"It just doesn't always feel that way."

"He feels guilty and is being very hard on himself for doing this to you. No one ever wishes for this life and we would never want it for someone else. He loves being with you but the fact that he couldn't control himself when he was with you and allowed this to happen, tortures him inside."

She didn't respond back. Deep down she already knew this, but having someone say it to her out loud was different. It made it real, true. She still knew she was being watched, so she gave a little wave towards the house and smiling, spun around, trying to show she was having a good time. Love just laughed at her.


"Nothing, you just remind me so much of me when I was younger."

"Younger? How old are you?"

"I am 125 years old!"

Winnie stopped dead in her tracks and just stared at her. Love reached out and grabbed her hand and pulled her back towards the house. They both laughed. When they finally reached the house they found the dining room empty of the family that was sitting there when they left.

"Reed and Marcus just went out for a minute."

They turn to see Conner sitting in the kitchen.

"Where did they go?"

"I don't know Love."

"Well it was nice talking with you Winnie. If you need to talk just whisper for me."

She smiled and took off up the stairs. Winnie laughed at her as she watched her disappear. She turned and faced Conner. He looked back at her and just smiled.

"Uhh...did they say when they would be back?"

"No, I have no idea."

She smiled and went upstairs. She went to her room and laid down on the bed. She listened to the conversations of the house until she slowly fell asleep.

Reed & Winifred (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now