Part 52

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Conner woke up to knocking on his bedroom door. 

    “Come in”

    Addison swept into his room an instant later.

    “And what can I do for you that couldn’t wait until I got up?”

    “I think something is wrong.”

    “Yeah, you waking me up.”

    “No Conner I’m serious.”

    He could hear the concern in her voice. So he took a deep breath and sat up and leaned back against the wall.

    “Ok what’s wrong?”

    “I don’t know. But Andrew has been acting a little odd lately.”

    “Addison, I really don’t want to hear about you and your issues with Andrew.”

    “It’s not that. He’s not the only one. Haven’t you noticed or is it just me? Everyone has been disappearing and I don’t know, just seems off. Since last nights meeting it has me thinking…do you think they don’t want us to move with them?”

    “Why would you think that?”

    “Just with everything that’s happened with you and Reed and Me and Winnie. I have a feeling they are distancing themselves from us or at least me.”

    “I think you are thinking too much. We have been apart of this family for decades and there is no way May would let anyone else even suggest such a thing.”

    Addison sat down on the bed and sighed.

    “I guess you’re right. But it doesn’t change the odd feeling I have that something is not right.”

    Conner hugged his sister and smiled.

    “Smile after all its Saturday and you know what that means!”
    Downstairs Andrew and Cara sat in the living room eavesdropping on the twins’ conversation. Cara looked at Andrew and saw the concerned look on his face. 

    “Are you ready to do this? I know we were picked for this because of our background but by the look on your face I’m not too sure if you were the right person.”

    “I’m fine but thanks for looking out for me. It almost feels like old times doesn’t it?”

    Cara laughed.

    “Except the super hearing and well I don’t know everything else.”

    Andrew smiled. The phone rang and he quickly answered it. When he hung up Cara nodded implying she heard the conversation. 

    “I guess its go time.”

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