Part 11

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Winnie awoke from her nap and went down stairs to find no one there. She was a little curious to know where everyone had gone, but from the talking she could still hear from inside the house she knew she wasn't completely alone. For the first time she took in her surroundings of her new home. Pictures she had just thought to be decoration she found were real family portraits taken decades and maybe centuries before. When she turned around she was startled to find Addison and Conner behind her.

"Oh hello!"

Addison grabbed a book off the shelf and sat in a lush chair next to the window. Conner walked over to Winnie to see what she had been looking at.

"That picture was taken in 1885."

Her eyes got big and her mouth dropped open. He saw her reaction and just laughed at her. She could feel a blush on her cheeks. She was embarrassed that she was still shocked by the age of everything and everyone.

"Is Reed back yet?"

"No but it's starting to get light so I'm sure they will be home soon."

"Where did they go?"

"They didn't really say."

She turned back to look at the picture. It was a very old looking, black and white photo of Reed. She just stared at it. The door opened and Reed and Marcus walked into the foyer. When she turned around to see him, Reed smiled, and she ran to him. He held her in a tight embrace and kissed her.

"And where did you two run off to?"

When she heard Conner ask this question she quickly looked up at Reed. She too was very curious to know where they had gone and for so long, but neither of them answered. Marcus just continued on into the kitchen to find May. Reed pulled Winnie into the study so they could be alone too.

"You better watch it!"


"I saw you...and I'm just saying be careful."

Conner climbed the staircase two steps at a time and went into his bedroom. Addison, finally with a quiet room to herself, went back to her book.

"So where were you?"

"Oh Marcus and I just went out for a while. So what have you been up to today? I have missed you so much."
He kissed her. Her chest was heavy and her head was spinning. She went weak at the knees and she wrapped her arms around him to keep from falling down. She never wanted to stop kissing him. He started to kiss her cheek, then her neck, but when he came to where her scars were he quickly stopped and took a step back. He walked over to the window. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She just laid her head on his back.

"It's ok."

He didn't say anything but she could feel his breathing getting heavier.

"Must we go through this every day?"

She turned around and sat down. Reed stayed at the window but after a long pause he replied.

"But that's the thing it's not ok Winifred!"

"I know you feel guilty and everything but you have to just let it go."

"How do you let the fact that you killed the one person you have ever loved just go?"

"But I'm not dead!"

"Winifred that's not the point."

"Yes it is! I mean yes my life has changed and I can no longer live among my family. But I am still alive. I get to spend the rest of my life...though it will now be longer than planned...with the one person I love. So stop tearing yourself up about all of this."

"It's not that easy, but I'll try."

He walked over to her, she stood and kissed him. She could see that it was still bothering him but she thought a change of subject would be best.

"So I saw a picture of you in the living room. Conner told me it was taken in 1885, I couldn't believe it."

"Oh no, not that stupid old picture. I don't know why May insists on displaying all our photographs."

"Aww why I love that picture."

He just smiled his little smirk and kissed her on the forehead.

"Is someone cooking?"

"Uhh...I doubt it."

"I swear someone is cooking I can smell it."

His eyes grew wider.


"Your sense of smell has increased and no one here is cooking. Now that you mention it I can smell the bacon cooking from next door. And..."


She was now very curious and scared and maybe a little excited to learn about what was happening to her.

"Your eyes are getting dark."

She looked in the mirror above the fireplace and then back at him.

"And what does that have to do with anything?"

"You remember the last time you had dark eyes?"

"Yeah I was so tired that day."

"Well do you remember the last time you saw me with dark eyes?"

"Yeah it was the same day but what does this have to do with anything?"

"Winifred, think about that day. When we get dark circles around our eyes it can only mean one thing."

"Just spit it out Reed! You always do this, just tell me!"

"It means you're hungry, and I don't mean for bacon and eggs."

He took a step forward and swept her up into his arms before she hit the floor. He sat down with her fainted limp body held tight to his chest.

"Don't worry Winifred! I'll take care of you!"

He whispered into her ear and kissed her on the head.

Reed & Winifred (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now