Part 20

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Winnie laid in bed waiting on Reed to return. Her whole body tense, all of her senses on high alert, and her mind causing her to see and hear things that weren’t there. She ran her tongue over her sharp fangs. Her body fighting with it’s self. Half of her wanting to run and attack the first person she could find and the other half fighting that urge to feed. She gripped on to the sheets pushing back the need her body ached for. May, who was sitting next to Winnie, shot up from her seat when Reed raced into the room with Marcus only two steps behind. Reed sat on the bed and placed Winnie’s head on his chest.

    “Here Winnie drink this.”

    Winnie shook her head and fought Reed’s hold.

    “Winnie please! This will help.”

    He fought her to open her lips, but she was too strong, so May tried to help. Marcus even stepped closer to give them a hand. Winnie finally wore out and gave in. Reed poured it into her mouth but she just spit it back out.

    “What the hell is that?”

    “Winnie just drink it. It will make you feel better I promise! Please!”

    Winnie saw the pain in his eyes when he begged her to take a drink. So she took the glass and swallowed it all down before she could think twice about it. May took the glass and then left with Marcus. Winnie laid her head back down on Reed’s chest and quickly fell to sleep from exhaustion. Reed just sat with his back against the wall and ran his fingers through her hair. Finally resting his eyes for a moment too. When Winnie woke up she quickly remembered what had happened. 

    “Did you rest well?”

    Winnie smiled and looked up at Reed’s face.

    “Yes…but what was that you made me drink? It tasted horrible!”

    She felt him shake with suppressed laughter.

    “Let’s just say it was a special cocktail made just for you.”

    “Ok…but what was in it?”

    “You don’t want to know.”

    “Yes I do!”

    “Ok fine, it’s a mixture of blood from a wolf and a raven. The revolting taste you mentioned is from the raven.” 

    Winnie just stared at him speechless. 

    “Marcus has been testing different combinations ever since your accident last month. He recently came up with this little blend a few days ago. I don’t really understand all of it but it will help with your cravings but only for a short while. So you will have to feed again in a week or so.”


    “Winifred it will be ok. We can give you the cocktail again then.”

    “So I have to drink that again?”

    “Unless you feel ready to go out and feed, yes.”

    Winnie thought about that for a moment. Reed kissed her lightly on the forehead. He held her tight in his arms and Winnie felt happy there and never wanted to leave. 

    Winnie laid in bed unready to face the family that would smile at her in understanding. She felt like a failure. She thought to her self that she didn’t deserve to be a vampire. She turned on to her side and just stared at the wall. Reed didn’t leave her often since her freak out but she hated it when he was away. She knew he would be back soon so she took in a deep breath and got out of bed. She searched her clothes for something cute. She had been in bed and in such a mood for the past two nights she wanted to look good for him. When she looked in the mirror she frowned because she knew it didn’t show how she truly felt, but she loved Reed and hated seeing him so sad and ashamed. When Reed got home she raced down stairs to greet him. He was completely caught off guard. 

    “Wow, I wasn’t expecting this!”

    “I know. I just felt bad for the past few days and wanted to show you I was ok.”

    Reed kissed her and held her in his arms. 

    “It’s about time you came out of that room!”

    Still wrapped in Reed’s arms, Winnie turned around to face Love. She smiled at her and Love hugged her. 

    “I wish she had stayed there.”

    Everyone looked at Addison as she walked out of the room in disgust from the loving embraces. Winnie looked up at Reed and asked him if he would like to go for a walk out back.
    “I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting these past couple of days. I’ve just been so tired and upset…”

    “Winifred! Please it’s fine. I understand; we all understand. We have all been there and gone through what you are going through right now.”

    “I know I just can’t help but to feel…”


    “I don’t know…I can’t explain it.”

    Reed stopped walking and placed his hands on both sides on her face. He lightly kissed her on the forehead.

    “You are going to be fine. I promise!”

    Then he leaned in and kissed her. They continued walking. 

    “So are you feeling better today? Or is this all for show?”

    “You know me so well, but honestly I’m starting to feel better now that I’m up and out.” 

    “Well good, I’m glad. I was really starting to worry.”

    Winnie smiled up at him so show that she was fine. 

    “So where were you off to today? Where is it you guys always go?”

    “Oh we do a little bit of everything. Sometimes we hunt, sometimes we are keeping an eye out making sure no one suspects us, and then we also do yard stuff and shopping. You know just keeping the everyday life image going.”

    He hated lying to her but also knew he couldn’t tell her the truth. Winnie’s safety and happiness were more important to him.

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