Part 46

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Andrew tried his best to keep his distance from Addison as the week slowly dragged on. His mind was going over everything that was discussed in Marcus' office. Addison noticed Andrew's distance but tried not to think much of it. She knew he was anxious of Winnie's return and he wasn't pulling away from her. He seemed to actually be happy these days. She enjoyed their daily walks and sitting in the study. She would usually be reading while he just sat there thinking, absentmindedly running his fingers up and down her arm. She was beginning to be truly happy for the first time in along time and she was afraid of ruining it all by asking him what was on his mind.

But not everyone was content to keep the silence anymore. Landon walked into the room he shared with Love to find her laying in bed with tear streaks down her cheeks. He ran to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Love what is wrong? And don't tell me 'nothing!' I know you've been upset about something for weeks now and I need you to talk to me."

She just closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting a new set of tears run down her face.

"I hate seeing you like this. Please tell me what's wrong or at least what I can do to help you."

She couldn't bring herself to say anything. Not getting an answer, Landon sat up and turned Love to face him.

"Landon I'm fine."

"You are lying in bed in the middle of the day crying. Don't tell me you are fine. Now tell me what is wrong...please."

Looking at Landon and seeing the pain on his face Love couldn't help but feel guilty. She just didn't know how to tell him.

"I just...I've been thinking a lot lately about things and I don't know what to do anymore."

"Love what are you talking about? Just talk to me, tell me what's bothering you, and I will help you figure things out. Let me help you; I can't stand to see these tears anymore."

He gently wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks.

"I want I need more."

"More what? More blood? We can go hunting again right now if that's the problem."

"No. I need more from you."

Landon just sat there blank; he didn't understand what she meant.

"I don't understand. Have I done something wrong? I'm sorry if I did."

"You didn't do anything wrong. It's me. With everything that's been going on in this house with Winnie and Andrew joining us and the wedding and Conner and Addison; I have been doing a lot of thinking."

"Love, I love you! You know that. Whatever is wrong, we can figure it out. I still don't completely understand so explain it to me. A lot has been going on, a lot of changes in the house in just a short time. Are you unhappy here? Have you being thinking of moving out? I love our family and would hate to leave them but if that is what you need I'd do it."

Love looked into Landon's eyes and not only saw but truly felt his sincerity. Again tears ran down her cheeks.

"That's good to know but that's not what I want. I love our family here and couldn't imagine leaving them. What I need is you..."

Landon let out a laugh, mainly out of relief.

"Well then dry those tears and never shed another on that topic, because you have me. Love, from the moment I laid eyes on you I knew I'd never want another. I was just a stupid kid before I met you."

"...and now?"

"And now I still look and sometimes act like a sixteen year old but decades of this life with you I feel much older. But what does this have to do with your tears?"

"I feel like we can't move forward. That because of the ages we were turned at, we may physically or mentally be unable to move forward."

"I see what you mean but what do you mean 'move forward'?"

Love laid her head down. She didn't know how to put it all in words and truthfully she was scared to say it.

"I love you. The rest we will figure out but now will you just lay with me and hold me?"

Landon wasn't happy with the lack of answer but decided not to push her. So he cuddled up with her and held her tight while she slowly fell asleep in his arms.

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