Part 25

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“Hey I didn’t say you could use my room to make out!”

    Love stood at the door giggling. Reed and Winnie turned to her and laughed. 

    “Sorry Love, but what can I say she has that affect on me.”

    Reed gave her a little smirk. 

    “I’m just glad to see everything is alright, but if you would please go to your own room.”

    Reed laughed. Winnie felt embarrassed but also instantly relieved when she heard his laughter. It had been a while since she had heard him truly laugh. It filled her with hope. Reed swept her up into his arms and carried her out of the room. He stopped once they were in the hallway instead of going to their room like she had expected. Reed looked down at her face. She could feel his eyes on her and she looked up at him. He was smiling at her.


    “I was wondering; would you like to go for a run?”

    Winnie hadn’t seen this question coming but from the moment he asked she could feel the excitement and adrenaline in every part of her body. She found herself aching to be let down, to be able to run like she had done only once before. Reed could read the excitement in her face and took it as a yes. He carried her out to the backyard and sat her down. He kissed her lightly on the head and was off before she could look up at him. She smiled, intrigued by the thought of a race. She took off after him. Quickly finding his scent she found her self slowly catching up to him. Reed slowed down to allow her to take his side. Then they both took off as fast as they could. Winnie loved the feel of the wind in her hair, she knew it was more from her movement then it was from the actual wind. She ran so fast her feet barely touched the ground. She felt like she could fly. Then she stopped, Reed had to back track, not knowing they were stopping. 


    “I might have asked you this already but can you, I mean we, fly?”

    “Is this not enough? Do you need wings too?” 

    “I didn’t say anything about wings.”

    Reed just laughed at her. Even though she felt embarrassed for asking, she smiled because Reed was getting back to his usual self.

    “This is a serious question. Stop teasing me.”

    “But you know how I love to tease you.”

    “Yes I do.” she laughed “but really can you fly?”

    “No we can’t fly, but who needs to when we can move faster than anything else?”

    “I guess that’s true, but I just have always wanted to fly. Ever since I was a little girl. It’s stupid I know. Stop laughing at me!”

    All of a sudden Reed stopped laughing and stood as still as a statue. 

    “Reed I didn’t mean you had too…”

    “Winifred Shhhh!”

    Winnie looked at him and saw worry in his eyes.

    “What’s wrong?”

    “I don’t know. Something back at the house. We have to get back now!”

    Winnie nodded and they took off back to the house. 

    “I heard screaming; what is it?”

    Reed and Winnie burst in the back door. Everyone was huddled around something in the living room. 

    “Reed, hurry come look!”

    They hurried over to see what was wrong. They found Addison in the center of the group, crying.

    “Addison what is it?”

    She looked up at Reed and smiled. Then she handed him what was in her hands. 

    “It’s a letter! From Conner!”

    Reed was taken back. Winnie could see he was relieved and worried at the same time. She sat down next to Reed and read the letter with him. 

    “It says he is in Costa Rico!”

    Addison continued to tell the rest of the family what the letter said. Winnie noticed the letter had been sent and written to Addison, and not the whole family. 

    “But this was written almost a month ago?”

    “So maybe it got lost in the mail or since it’s from Costa Rico it just takes longer to get here.”

    “Reed, Addison please stop questioning things and arguing about the little details. I’m just happy to hear that Conner is alright.”

    Winnie shivered at the sound of Marcus’ voice. He wasn’t yelling, it was just his natural way of speaking, but it carried the tone of ages and authority. The rest of the day was complete night and day compared to the previous weeks, especially for Addison. She came out of her room and socialized with everyone, well not everyone. Addison still kept her distance and hatred towards Winnie. Winnie ached at the fact that Addison didn’t like her. When she brought it up to anyone else they told her to give Addison time, that she was shy and would come around. Winnie knew there was something more to it. So she decided to talk to May about it for the first time. She went into the kitchen but couldn’t find her there. She thought it was odd, because May was almost always in the kitchen. So she checked outside, in the living room, and in the study. She headed upstairs to look for her. She was about to knock on the bedroom door when she heard someone talking. She was about to turn back around and head downstairs when she heard Reed’s voice and her name mentioned. She moved in closer to the door. Even though she could hear just as well across the hall with her new hearing, it was just an unconscious action. 

    “Is she ok here?” 

    “Reed trust me Winnie is in the safest place she could ever be in.”

    “But what if he doesn’t just go away? What if he comes after her?”

    Winnie gasped when she realized they weren’t talking about when or what kind of blood she was drinking but something that had Reed nervous even more. Reed and Marcus both heard something from the hall and went to check it out. Winnie ran down stairs and into the kitchen, almost running over May. 

    “Oh! Winnie! What‘s the rush?”

    “I’m so sorry May! I guess I don’t have this speed racing thing down yet.”

    “Oh it’s fine dear, just please slow it down, in the house at least. I know having your new abilities is fun and exciting but be careful.” 

    Winnie nodded and walked out the back door. May watched her and knew something was wrong but didn’t want to pry, so she went back to her chores.

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